• mars805 posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago

    big trouble with new ipad. no scores for many games. transformers, seasons, friends. not happy. on phone with apple for 5 hours over 2 days. still not fixed. whine solution?

    • Can you be more specific @mars805?

      • apparently i used encryption to back up my 1st ipad years ago. no idea about password. cant backup and restore ipad #2 from computor, cant remove encryption. now advised to backup ipad #2 to the cloud and restore ipad #3 via the cloud. did that. AND, tho all my scores are here at the Nest, as well as on game center, they didnt transfer via the cloud. installed iMazing as per Nest instructs, tho its now only free for a trial of 3 weeks. still having trouble. no Angry Birds scores, no Stella, no Seasons yet transfered. very very frustrating. apple tech had me delete encrypted back ups but encryption still exists on desk top computor. ipad restored to some time about 5 yrs ago judging from background image. big mess. still not fixed. holiday interuptus didnt help