• New Bug! Today in the arena battles, when Illusionist chuck hits one of my birds, as expected, they get the dark cloud to spread the damage. After they are KO’d the dark cloud remains over these birds, and when they recover they still have the cloud in place. Its like if you get it is a permanent impairment. Also if my birds are stunned when…[Read more]

  • This has happened to me twice, but both times the program froze as I was trying to load the event, and I had to close out and retry again.  The second time this happened, for that arena battle or event, like 7 of the 15 were branded cheaters.  The next day all the cheater tags were removed.

  • Oh yes, it seems like I lose 1 or 2 battles per week this way.

    It does seem like the program is malicious… If I’m trying for a bonus, whatever bonus is hardest for me, that’s when it chooses to freeze. (for example, if I need to knock out red 3 times with Chuck- once I’ve defeated him and about to win the battle is when it…[Read more]

  • Are you having trouble equipping the new headgear? I AM!

    I can always switch between classic and elite. For example, with Bomb’s CANNONEER, I can equip the classic and elite, I can also equip the VALENTINE CANNONEER, but I cannot equip the ALL-STAR cannoneer.  I note the “ribbon” leading to the two I can use is light blue, while the ribbon to…[Read more]

  • AlexKidd69 became a registered member 6 years, 1 month ago