The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3010
  • @desperateDan did you know that Tommy cooper never wore a fez. He obtain a tarboosh while entertaining troops in Egypt. It's amazing what you learn on QI.
    Are you sure it's not a tarboosh you are wearing
  • There you go @Kathy your neck muscles will be getting weak.
    No crown since 23rd January
  • Thanks @Ixan57 Please take care of my 'Hunk of Metal's :D
  • @ixan57, are we even sure it is a crown? Could it be a coronet or even a tiara? Hey, you'd look good in a tiara.
  • You say tarboosh, I say fez, let's call the whole thing off.
  • Ha ha @DeaperateDan you must be getting hot under the fez
  • I think @briann is having problems getting in. Let's stick something on the jukebox.
  • Hey@desperatedan, managed to sneak in via ABN Facebook page, but as soon as I go to another page I'll be locked out again. Bit of a palaver.

    @sweetp I need your help. Sorry for that tasteless joke about your puppies, you should know by now I'm quite harmless. You should also know your work here does not go unappreciated.
  • Hey @ixan57,you strike me as a man who knows a thing or two about t'internet thingy, any suggestions?
  • Hey @gumby,how's physio going?
  • And @kathy,have you been locked out as well?
  • @BrianN, no offense taken at all. But what did you say? I never got to read it...oh well.

    My puppy's name is Roxy. She and her siblings were rescued from the Riverton Indian Reservation. We just adopted her two weeks ago today! Such a cutie and very sweet. She loves to snuggle and is definitely a lap dog.
  • @BrianN any more details of the problem. Is just the nest pages?
  • @sweetp, thankyou! Now I can sleep easy. But whatever happened to Simon? I hope they found a good home too ;-).
  • Has everyone forgotten about poor old Garfunkel?

    Hi @ixan57. Had this problem right before I started visiting the BP, on that occasion it was my fault. I logged out myself. On this occasion my devices did it to me. It is only the nest that is affected. It happened when I cleared browsing data on Chrome. Since then the only way I can get in is via ABN FACEBOOK LINK. Which is a faff, but better than nothing.
  • Hi @sweetp.What @kathy gave us was just a taster. Funny routine that one. I replied to your PM but as cursed as I am with technology you probably didn't receive it. Don't really know if you can help at your end, but as with @ixan57 any general suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  • @BrianN in chrome type in log in and tick stay signed in (you my need to do this a couple of times). if you clear browsing data in chrome, when you go to history clear data you see 4 or 5 boxes, make sure saved passwords option is NOT highlighted.
    if you still have problem with dropdown menu tick desk top option and when you go back to the nest ALLOW time for the page to refresh or refresh the page yourself. if other sites are not looking good just uncheck the desk top box but remember to allow page time to refresh
  • also @BrianN sometime when you log into the nest you will get a home page that has loads of recent videos etc. if you get this you are on basic, scroll down to the bottom and there is an option view in desktop, switch to that and you will be taken to the nest as you know it
  • @brianN forgot to tell you how to get there
    On chrome tap on the 3 dots top right.
    Clear browsing data
    saved passwords, unselect if box selected
  • Thanks for your suggestions. Tried typing in what you said, but it takes me to ABN topic'how to login'. Doesn't seem to have option of stay signed in. Probably not doing it right.
    When clearing history, passwords not included in options.
  • @brianN when you go to history then tap clear browsing history you will see near the top basic and advanced
    Tap advanced and you will see the password option
  • Yes, the password option stays unticked
  • Well our broadband saga drags on. Should finally have it installed on Wed. Not holding my breath. Even when it arrives all we could get is a copper connection (av speed 8mbps)@kathy you would have axed someone by now. Apparently we need someone to leave the cabinet. I do hope it's Michael Gove.
    @brianN try open from above link see what happens
  • If it opens ok and drop down menu don't work go to 3 dots and tick desk top and allow the spinning refresh wheel to stop. Menu should work
  • Wowser @ixan57, I hope your genius is appreciated in your workplace. I assume you do computer related work. That's allowed me back in without using Facebook link. My other devices are synced so hope I'm logged in there too. Did have to sign in, but this time it allowed me to do so.
    What exactly did you do.?
  • Zounds, device 2 logged in.
  • Yikes and egads,all 3 angrybirds devices logged in!Thanks @ixan57.The drinks are on me tonight.Crack open the Bolly!
  • We got Sky TV back on Monday.Little tip for you @ixan57.BBC Scotland are repeating Bob Servant,if you didn't catch it first time it is comedy gold.I might be a little biased as it's set and filmed in Broughtyferry so the the landscape is very familiar.But Brian Cox and Mark Watson are superb.
  • Hey @kathy you're quiet. Are you OK?
  • Wot, three AB devices! No wonder I'm lagging behind. Might have to go over to the dark side.
  • Oh, and I saw a load of lamb a la Brechin going cheap in Sainsburys left over from Burns Night.
    And what's all this about Scotland being overrun by giant snakes? Makes Hull, Mass look a bit tame, eh @kathy.
  • Hey guys, My drop down menu wasn't working before, but now it is
    Sorry I've been out, a lot going on!
    I did check with @Birdleader a week or so ago , he must've fixed it¿
    Or @Sweetp did! Cute name for the puppy , Roxy :D I still liked Simon , Whatever their names I'm happy they were all rescued :D rescue animals prove to be the most loving (insert heart)
    Head spinning .. I'll check in later or tomorrow.
  • @BrianN happy your broadband is working :D Welcome Back :D
  • nope @BrianN not computer savvy, just through problem after problem after problem.
    used to be at work any problem, plug out plug back in. if I've had the problem I can help if not I will try my best
  • Well thanks anyway @ixan57, whatever you did worked. Hope the problem doesn't recur, but if it does I have BP page no 3010 branded in my brain for that link you gave me.
  • Thanks for not reading my posts properly as usual @kathy.My broadband is NOT working. We have a temporary mini hub that keeps cutting in and out. The joy I spoke of was being reconnected to the nest with @ixan57 's help. I couldn' t sign in without using Facebook. Still you have a lot going on,,you're excused.
  • Hey@desperatedan relax. I have 1 tablet where I play almost all AB games. I use an old tablet with an older v. of seasons, purely for the no longer available NBA Ham Dunk levels. And my phone is mainly for nest activity.
    Haven't had much time for the D. C. lately. So much red tape to sort out. Not just phone/broadband, the utilities are playing hardball as well. Apparently my gas meter is not on the national database etc. However I have noticed the Bluestacks brigade are starting to dominate with monotonous regularity. Think the dark side is the only forward to compete at the same level. There might be the odd time when us droids can shake a stick at them, but BS technology is only going to get better.
  • Sorry @BrianN ,I guess I misunderstood when you said you got your Sky Tv working , our WiFi, cable and tv are all the same company! My misunderstanding :(
    ( I use 3 devices too lol! One tablet for Nest communication, one tablet for actual Angry Birds Flinging, and phone, hmm actually as a phone lol! Although I do play a word game on it, mostly use it for is intended purpose.
    I'm happy @ixan57 was able to help you with technical issues, he's great at this stuff but it's not his daily living occupation
    Yep I Do have a lot going on, more than you know!
    OB I'll have a glass of whatever that stuff Bolly stuff Brian is buying :D
  • @Sweetp Thanks for the Abbot and Costello clip!! Heehee that is still soo funny!
  • Hey @kathy, I'm sure by now you've learnt to ignore my sarcasm. We get our TV via satellite dish, though cable TV is available in the UK. Can you tell us what you have going on at the moment?
    From nosey Parker 2
  • @BrianN lol, sure I've learned to laugh at your sarcasm heehee, it's actually part of your charming personality ;D
    Now change seats so I can speak with Nosey Parker 2..
    I got a lot going on due to medical reasons, had a surgery (which I thought I mentioned¿) But perhaps not, but anyway Had a Petscan which revealed more surgery needed, still recovering from first surgery, but healing well, and I had only taken a week of from work, so working full time and anticipating another surgery , plus the Babblers.. yeah it's a lot going on, maybe not really that much, but I'm also trying to quit smoking! Did I mention Babbler #1 drinks quite a bit, but not really, he's a lightweight that gets buzzed off of 3or 4 Peronis :/ (italian beer) and drives me up a wall! But as I've said in the past , he's handy to have around ,*insert Rolly Guy*
    Everyone should have a Dave!
    No offense Dan ¿
  • Watching another Netflix show called 'Dark' it's pretty good, just hard to follow!
    @Gumby. Waaassssuuuuupppp???? ¿??? Finally Home Boy¿??
    @DesperateDan how's Twiggy? Ohh and how are you?
  • Did you have a petscan at the vets?
  • What is a petscan?
  • And why r u having one?
  • Lol @BrianN I expected so I was looking for cute puppies hahaha, but no it was a real people hospital! Kinda
    Actually it was a bit odd,, a trailer pulls up to the loading dock with the machine on it, and I had to go on an elevator that was attached to the building, it was only one half a floor, but it was chilly, like outside..
  • Am I being too nosey?
  • I'll tell ya, trying to quit smoking is way harder then I imagined! The show I'm watching has people smoking cigarettes, making me crave one! I've been doing really good! Only had 1 and 1 half a cigarette today!
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