The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2498
  • @annifird -- Happy Birthday a week late! Great cake!
    @rat -- @rambleberry has a different nickname, but I was able to find the profile by looking in all members using rambleberry. Perhaps you were only looking in your own friends list. The "search members" keeps tricking you by switching from "all members" to "friends."
  • @Kathy No, not a Basketball player (at least not a very good one). Soccer an American Football, mostly soccer. And the only thing I'm actually dunking these days is donuts. The movie @Rat @buroie and I are talking about is from 1981 and is called "Stripes" - Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Judge Reinhold, John Laroquette, John Candy... Lots of funny/stupid quotes..
    Stripes is een Amerikaanse komische film uit 1981. Deze film is geregisseerd door Ivan Reitman.

    Isn't my Wikipedia Dutch perfect! haha
  • Thanks @Mvnla2 but I had it on all members and didn't make the connection between Hammockgal and @rambleberry. I forgive myself for that one. ha ha
    Happy Birthday @Annifrid. Are you still doing great in school?
    @Zebung How's my third favorite Big Toe doing today?
  • haha Thanks @zebung I have google translation so i was able to read the link, but No idea what you said in Dutch it doesn't work here for some reason.

    Happy birthday @Annifrid :) That so cool your mom made you an AB cake ! it looks delicious ! OB I'll have a slice please .
    @mvnla2 i also searched @Rambleberry on the search all members setting but came up with nothing:(
    Hopefully he/she will peep up from that corner booth and join our fun! (hint hint)
  • (((((( @Estar )))))) Yes the double space thing was temporary , but really strange..coulda been my phone ..uhmm stranger things have happened everyone knows lol;)
    sorry I'm off on the birthday thing also @Annifrid ..Estar I'll try to be on it from now on. . guess we've all been in a funk this last few months.
  • [[[huggs]]] @kathy glad to know (but kinda already did with your voodoo phone haha) it was temporary! I am sipping my bedtime tea and snug in bed, hubby has the early shift, so alarm clock is set for 5:45am :/
  • Yeah the winter funk lingers on, I am having more pitb problems again and the backwards sniffles cold doesn't help either. On the tight chest feeling with the fun of coughing. Luckily easter is around the corner, so we will have a long weekend to enjoy :)
  • Thanks @Kathy and @EStar :) hope you liked the cake!
    @Rat I think so :) I've written a couple tests recently, and had good results. We'll see in May/June (exam time) how great can I actually do :D
  • Nattinatt my lovely birdie friend! Kick some bacon behinds for me while I dream sweet dreams :-)
  • Good night @EStar :D
  • oohhh @Estar 5:45 am Yuckk !!! that's like the middle of the night to me:(
    soorry to hear about the pita and the backwards sniffles I know exactly I've had the same for past 2 weeks ! coughing chest congestion.. it's awful..HHopefully Spring will spring and the Sun will shine soon to lift us all up; )
    Yw @Annifrid and yep the cake is yummy as it looks:)
  • Nattinatt @Estar Sweet Dreams ☆☆☆☆☆♡♡♡♡
  • Aww shoot! I missed my shooting star.
  • anyone here following the Aaron Hernadez trial?
    I've been listening to live streaming of it..pretty interesting what they allow and don't allow.
  • Well it's Nattinatt for me.. see all tomorrow
    Night OB tryto stay awake in case anyone acrossb the pond ventures in..bbut. .ehh take it easy nighty night.
  • Night Pa! ♡
  • Night Ma
  • @kathy your post made me think of something that I saw recently:

    "I think I'll get up early tomorrow and go to the gym.
    And I might win the lottery.
    The odds are much the same"
  • Glad Påsk till er alla! Happy Easter everyone! Strange that although almost no one in Sweden is religious, that today Maundy Thursday (Skärtorsdag), tomorrow Good Friday (Långfredag), Saturday - Easter Eve (Påskafton), Sunday - Easter Sunday (Påskdagen), and then one more day, Monday, is Annandagpåsk (the day after Easter), all of which are holidays. Easter is just about as big as Christmas! Swedes are so used to national holidays, and this is like making up for lost time - I don't think there are any public holidays between January 6 (Epiphany - Trettondag Jul (13th day of Christmas - when the wise men showed up) and today. Withdrawal syndrome I guess. But I ain't complainin'!!!
  • @zebung well you got one more than us, we don't do Trettondag Jul! Glad Påsk!
    And goodnight xx
  • @ZeBung @Hunnybunny -- Wow! It's like a national Spring break! A 5 day holiday in Sweden! Hunnybunny -- Do you also get 5 days in the UK?
  • Hi Mrs. Bunny. I'm about through with Brass Hogs Mirror so you can come and whoop up on me now. I'm a big boy, I can take.

    Speaking of Brass Hogs Mirror, great flingin' there @ZeBung. I left you lots of bread crumbs if you want to improve a few of your scores.
  • @hunnybunny that's a funny saying i like it!

    Happy Holidays @zebung

    Nighty night Pa♡
  • It was a good day.
    Night Ma
  • @rat yeah, like 300K worth of breadcrumbs. I'll get back on it - eventually! Big gap between #1 and #14. Currently coming close to finishing Cosmic - hoping for a top 5 there at least...

    @mvnla2 Just like Sping Break, except it snowed (again) today. We'll make it out of the 50 degree range soon, though.

    Nattinatt @Hunnybunny

    Feel better @estar
  • @mvnla2 I'm on the map, even the right island!
  • @estar realized that I live 2 minutes away from the "ABBA" division of Rovio. Maybe I'll need to make a visit?! No planes involved, just a short walk.
  • I am like a ghost you know... Come back here after months!!!
  • this medical life is soo damn busy that don't get to come here often
  • Hope you all remember me though
  • @Lamia -- Welcome back! Just how long has it been anyway? Where are you in your medical career?
  • Hello guys, wishing you all a very happy evening. Eastern will come, yeah.
    Got one message: I'm back. Now have to get my skills back, visit the BP more often.
    it feels good.
  • @rat I'll never whoop you, you know that, and I'm not going anywhere near mirror world. I've not finished Seasons, Rio or Space to any sort of personal satisfaction.
    @mvnla in the UK we get Good Friday and Easter Monday off work. At least those who work do. Some of us get 365 days off a year Woo Hoo!
    @bernersenn Welcome Back

    Edit: @rat why on earth do you post such comments? Me beat you in Space! That'll be the day when anyone beats you in Space
  • @hunnybunny thank you.
    Reminds me to thank everyone for the good health wishes, hugs and more. Forgot that.
    I'm pretty happy I can tell you.
  • @bernersenn Welcome back. A few days ago, I almost beat one of your top scores, and felt happy to have failed since you could not have responded, but now, I won't feel guilty if ever I succeed.
  • Hello and a very good day @all.
    @Sglouk don't be shy to beat my highscore, it's all in the game.
  • That's one great cake @Hunnybunny. I love the "spring chickens" :D
  • @annifrid thank you, have a slice
  • Happy Easter All.
    beautiful cake @hunnybunny
  • Night Pa ♡
  • Night Ma

    Happy Easter Everybody.
  • I see I missed Lamia popping back in the BP, not sure we talked in length, so I am not sure if you medical life is either your profession or that you are struggling with medical stuff personally. I hope it is the first!
  • @zebung (did you see my how to ¨umlaut letters ?) What?? Just around the corner from your place! Wow, you could pop in and say hi to the guys that I spoke with at the Event. Great guys actually, the two that gave a presentation were also responsible for the Seasons update of AbracaBacon.
  • @hunnybunny that cake looks delicious! and so fun looking, love the SpringChicks!
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