The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2496
  • @rat I was unsuccessful with S-6 last time I visited it, but I'll give another look. Meanwhile, I got 101k on 2-29, and almost got 103k (88k + one surviving pig despite a long roll through debris). But at least I am ahead of Romo in this episode. I have the impression that 2-29 could be a pleasant level for the daily challenge. If I get quickly 103k again, I'll propose it.
  • @Sglouk I don't know why but I never gave 2-29 a good look. I could probably improve my score if I tried. Naw. I'll save it for a puppy.
  • Be prepared for a HUGE bit of reading, I hope you all will like it.
  • @kathy OK, it has only taken me a year to take you up on your offer for a fine refreshment. Is the bar open? If so, please serve me one of your finest drinks! Have had some much fune over the years sharing and contributing - I am but a humble traveller... I'm a BP virgin but am willing to learn ;-) Hello to the rest of the group!
  • @Zebung Yes !! the bar is Always open :) just name your poisin and OB is happy to serve you!
    nice to see you
  • @E-star Cant wait to read your Report of your trip to Rovio..soo exciting!
  • @zebung if you haven't read page 1 of the BP forum i encourage you to do that, it gives a bit of history and 'pub rules' lol
    its been a little slow lately but we loovve to see new faces!
  • Ahhhhhhhhhh!! @estar My beautiful star is on screen! "Thank you" for making my life hell worrying about you! Haahaa! Your report is bloody brilliant and I'm so proud of you *sniff*
    Oh and hubby wasn't bad either!! Great vid!!
  • Whyyy do I have to work tomorrow and whyyyy is it time for bed, when I wanna jump in my favorite booth here and enjoy all your company.

    @zebung !! Welcome, always a pleasure to meet new people and get to know them. Hope you pop in more often :)

    @kathy you are a doll! Enjoy reading the report, wished i could have brought you all with me.

    @jlz mwaahhhh you are welcome! thank you for being there in my hour of totally and utter stress of loosing my ID and having to fly back home without! Awww you make me blush to know you are proud of me... I am actually kinda proud of me too... Never expected lill me doing something so huge!
  • I wished I had more time to send my pops @wrw01 and Mister @rat and owwww so many more the good news that my report is finally up after almost 2 weeks of working on it. But there is just not enough time, this little star needs to turn in for the night.

    Have a fab evening other side of the ponders and dream sweet dreams to those on this side of the big pond!
  • Can't read it now @Estar. I'm headed to the kitchen to cook. But I'll be thinking about your trip the whole time. Can't wait to see it.
    Hi @ZeBung. Welcome to the BP. How can we help you?
    And a great big HELLO to @JLZ666. You've been flingin' great. I know because I keep losing top scores to you. ha ha ha
  • Sweet Dreams Star of the Nest ☆☆☆☆ nighty night @Estar
    sorry @Jlz666 i didn't see you there (((((((hugs))))))
  • Awesome trip report @e*! Sounds like a fantastic adventure. Mr.Ds vid was cute, and now I have a real face to put with your avatar. :-) I'm glad you got the opportunity as you deserve it considering how much you give to this community. Sleep well. You may wake up a rock*.... :-D
  • @Estar I literally couldn't wait. There was a gap in the dinner prep and I took full advantage of it. Too cool. That's something us old folks say to mean we like it. I didn't see any "older" folks at Rovio though. I did see you. And Joshua and Lasercorn from Smosh. You filmed them while they filmed the new comics. You need to explain the look on your face at the back of the plane. And where's your other half? Did you just join the mile high club? tsk, tsk, tsk.
    I didn't see which angry bird was on the front of your jacket. Did they give you more than one. Wow! Goodies. It sure looks like you had fun.
    Thanks for all your hard work to make us smile.
  • *OB grabs Kathy's tablet and phone with one quick flick of a wing* yes he says I know you haven't been around and Estar story is fascinating and yaya your flinging away aBut is bedtime! ! Kimmie isn't here to steal your flashlight !!..good night!!
  • Night Pa " she cries as she's being kicked out the door*
  • Get some sleep Ma.
  • @Estar
    Thank you for thinking of me. I am off to read your post as soon as I finish this note. I am soooooo happy for you and that you and hubby were able to experience Rovio, represent the Nest, go to Finland, and also fly for the first time in a plane. We only get to experience the "firsts" once and they do make a life long impression. It could not have happened to a nicer person.
  • @estar Thank-you for sharing your awesome experience with us! Mister D's video was great, so much fun to be inside Rovioland. Welcome home.
  • @E-Star -- Just read the report and watched the video. Not too long, would have gladly read more. Now I will always think of you with that huge grin! I'm sure you are the envy of everyone in the nest, but we're all glad you got to go.
  • @Zebung -- Good to see you drop in. Hope you come back and become a regular.
  • Drats! There was reading below @Estar's video? I didn't see that. I don't have time right now but as Arnold said "I'll be back".
  • HELLO to you as well @rat. Sorry,I hit the sack as soon as I posted last night. I was just waiting on @estar posting her report so I could congratulate her! You didn't see her actual report below the vid? LOL! Sit yourself down with a nice cuppa and enjoy! Well I actually haven't flung for a few weeks so I'm surprised to see some high scores remain to be honest. It's not me taking them from you! Not planning on returning anytime soon so they are there for the taking ;) Real life has taken me away from the birdies ATM so no lurking either. Feel guilty enough not responding to PM's so chatting in the BP is even harder. I'm trying to find my way back though......albiet slowly.
    @estar I still stand by my "No fly zone" for you lol!! At first I was disappointed with your decision but now consider you a liability Haahaaa! If you ever do decide to do it again,just don't tell me ok? ;P
    OB Long time no see buddy! Could I have a large extra shot black coffee to go please? Another 90mins of work then home time :)
    Hi and bye @all Have a lovely day/evening X
  • Oooooo....time to change that shivering kitty I think. Isn't it spring? ;)
  • @E-Star -- Got to say I expected to see piles of snow in your Finland pics. Weather looks better there than in the U.S. northeast.
  • *E-star crashes into her favorite booth* OB can I have a PigKiller? Had a long week, had to cover for my sick boss and keep the business running by myself the last 4 days. All the while of course I was working on keeping my promise to write a report. Which, have you hear OB, they all loved to read! Here I as thinking it was way to long and people would be falling a sleep half way thru, but non of that :D

    LOL I even see Mister @Rat found a gap in his dinner prep to go and read it. @AbCrazy hee hee love it Rock* but nahhhh I would have kept in the anonymity if not for this amazing adventure. Couldn't not be there in the spotlight right? Had to represent this amazing community. But becoming a rock* and having the spotlight on me at all times… nope not build for that, I am blushing just thinking of it ;)

    Mister @Rat … I am going to play the Dutchie card and claim not to know of any mile high club… as for my other half, he was there and in some shots he can be seen. But he hates the spotlight even more than I do. And Yes you are correct, the guys fro Smosh games were there, fun guys actually… Joshua was jet lagged to the max and his ADHD levels went thru the roof… I think the Duracell bunny would have been beaten by him hahaha
    As for my hoodie, the one with "crew angrybirdsnest"… the logo of ABN was on the front, with the Mighty Eagle. Whaat you missed the reading below the vid?? Nahhhhh make that the cat wise!!! oh lordy… ROTFLMAO I am so sorry, I just had to use that phrase.. as that is THE example of DutchEnglish… translating a old Dutch saying using horrible English… it basically is the same as the English version of "tell that to the marines"
  • @TomPuss awwww what a cute birdie! I try to pop in more often, but can't say for sure. I need a couple of days r&r after the week I had. But than again, my eyes are almost closed from the tiredness, my head is pounding and my eyesight is blurry… but still here. so hahaha guess nothing really can stop me!

    POPs!!! @wrw01 you always have such a way with words, Dad-2 is proud of me and that means a lot to me!

    @mvnla2 It was actually… the Finns where actually thanking us for bringing the sunny weather, they literally had not see the sun for weeks. But like at our place, the winter was at it's end and Helsinki is in the south of Finland. So temps at zero celsius, but actually for us, it was comfy. We Dutchie have a higher humidity which makes temps around Zero feeling as it were 10 below. But in Finland it felt like 10C.

    @JLZ WHAHAHAHAHa, but ermmmm who will help me in my hour of need?! And lets face it, it brought you a new memory, one you never will forget ;P
    And good idea… time for something fresh… off to change my outfit to… I am sure I have something appropriate in my closet.
  • Yea! SWDNF is back from D.C. But she's not feeling well. I'm in nurse mode now so I can't stay. Just wanted to say Hi to everybody. Hi!
    @Estar I still haven't got to read about your trip, but it's very very high on my priority list now that I know it exists. How stupid do I feel? lol
  • @estar popped in before bed expecting nothing but Rat and Sglouk discussing obscure Space strats, and found you video. I LOVED it. Made me smile. Thanks to your Hubby for it. Will read the report tomorrow
    Just WOW!
  • Uhhhhh...good to see you too @Hunybunny? ha ha ha
  • Night Pa ♡
  • oohh Ty @Jlz666 time to change my winter hat!! but errmm i think we are expecting more snow tomorrow And is still only 20° here so I'll keep it for now:( dagnabit!
    Happy Spring to all those who are experiencing it..Yes I'm jealous. we still have 2" of snow and 4' snowbanks(melted down from 6 or 7 )
    @Estar loove the video ..!! very creative haha i love the little stuff piggies enjoying the hotel and the sights !! And the report itself Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventure with us! i can't think of a better representative of the nest! seeing the smile on your face says it all!
  • THX everyone for the warm welcome. Kathy, I'd like a Mojito please! Been a loooong Friday. So nice to see all the Flingers here. Should've come here earlier! Cheers from Sweden! Nattinatt och vi ses imorgon (good night and see you all tomorrow!) MMM, the mojita hit the spot!
  • @Zebung nice to see you here again. .happy you enjoyed the Mojito! sorry i misse you. . I'm off to dream land myself..Happy Friday indeed. .hope to see you over the weekend when we are not all crawling to our pillows lol;)
  • So your from Sweden @ZeBung? What's this MMM?
  • @rat9 mmm. . . yummmmmy!
    @ZeBung I love nattinatt for nighty-night! Learning something new every day -:)
  • Good morning @TomPuss. I like the feel of "Nattinatt" as it leaves the tongue. It's a keeper.
    On the other hand, "imorgon" feels like morning, not tomorrow.
  • @Zebung -- There are 3 ABNers on the Members' Map in Sweden, but not you. I hope you're not one of the people I've been neglecting. *Feels almost guilty enough to revise map.*
  • Very sorry @ZeBung Please forgive me for overlooking you! Hi and welcome :) I also love nattinatt! Out loud it sounds like I'm saying "nightynight" from Yorkshire LOL!! (Only @mumsie and @hunnybunny will understand that one)
    @kathy same to you....sorry! Eeeeek :( I normally tell you to look up! ((Hugs)) I had a rethink about my change of face. It's now gale force winds and driving sleet so hmmmm,think I'll hold off on my sunny avy for the moment. So sorry to hear the weather hasn't improved. I know from Mum that it's been just hellish. So much so that Stepdad is leaving job!!!!!!!!!! Looooong story for their reasons but it's time for a change and he's had offers from other companies. I didn't ever see them leaving Philly but this is their 3rd bad winter in a row. This one however is by far the worst and they've had enough. They've done Cali,Carolina & Texas so they're thinking Florida next. Depends on the job but they're both golfers so go figure ;)
    @estar Haahaa! Yeah well you were an added "bonus" to a dinner for 8!! Seriously though,I still don't understand how you managed to fly without I.D??? I know you mentioned the area you flew in didn't require it but that still blows my mind. We can't go anywhere (apart from internal UK) without passports. Maybe other Euros can explain?
    @tompuss hi! Yet again please forgive me. I think I left you at my disastrous NY flight? Sorry honey I'll get there! Ummm no I still haven't watched Ringu! I feel like a child who hasn't done her homework now!
    @rat I hope Mrs rat is feeling better? A loving hubby always helps :)
    Well it's been a looong week. Hubby was in Düsseldorf this week with work so I know I don't have to explain his low mood. It unfortunately hit harder & closer than he would have imagined :(((((((
    All our thoughts are with everyone involved...........................
    Off to a Mexican restaurant tonight. Bring on the chilli and Tequila!
  • P.S lined up "Christine" and "Maximum overdrive" for viewing when we get home, then have Malaysian Grandprix tomorrow morning! Motor mayhem! BTW @hunnybunny have you see the new Bond car? Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
  • lol @Jlz666 i used to depend on Kimmie to tell me 'look up' :(
    Wow I'm not really surprised to hear your Mum thinking of moving.. the weather this year has truly been unbearable! is snowing today. not amounting to anything but just very depressing I Want to see the Sun!! if i didn't have mmy job here i might think of moving also. maybe the Carolinas or Virginia. never Fla to humid and big bugs /:
    Ob could i have a SpacePigKiller please but shake it up , so that its all mixed up like the Mirror levels lol..
    @zebung as the others i like the sound of Nattinatt also.. its so great to meet people from all over the wworld here and learn about different cultures and languages.
    i hope you add your name to the members map as @mvnla2 least check out the forum, you'll be surprised to see how the world all comes together in the Nest!
  • Aww @rat your talking with sgoulk is OK, but nothing as good as @estar's video. Even you must admit that!
    @kathy I've had snowdrops, crocus, hyacinths, daffodils, and about to have tulips. The rhodedendrum is starting to flower, the acer and clematis are in bud. Spring has sprung! But we live South in the UK, so normally miss the very bad weather.
    @zebung Hi!
    @jlz666 Bond Car! Wow! HWDNF is car mad. 17 March, quote "I'm not buying a new car" 26 March we look at new car. 31 March we pick up new car. A Mercedes GLA four wheel drive, with all the kit, so I'm told..... And he complains when I buy I pair of shoes. Men.
    (My dream car was eight years old last Tuesday, I'm never selling Her. Mrs Rat understands this...)
  • @JLZ666 She's hanging in there. Her lower back is bothering her so I took her (and me) to get a mani/pedi and dinner out. That kept her (and me) from doing any bending over or standing on hard floors. She just thought it was a great date night.

    Looks like I missed you again Mrs. Bunny. Your right about her car. She do love that thing. ha ha My lexus is a 2006 but only has 50k miles on it. I can't justify getting a new car when I've barely changed the oil on the one I've got. What is it about women and shoes? Women...
  • @rat9
    Natti natt, Ratti ratt -:)

    Love "Christine" - one of my faves!

    @all in a rush cos the hour went on, plus I slept an extra hour! BBL
  • @Estar, so the birds made you fly for the first time. Great report and video on your well deserved trip!
  • Did Europe switch to daylight savings this weekend? We switched a couple of weeks ago. I've noticed that some of the AB games didn't switch. Not sure if they are switching today.
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