Angry Birds Seasons: Christmas 3 Star Walkthrough Level 1-24

One strategy for Season’s Greedings level 1-24 is to fire the White bird straight ahead, bombing the left side of the first structure and ricocheting the bird through the balloon. All pigs on the left side should pop, and the TNT should fall onto the present below. Use the next Yellow bird or two to pop the remaining pigs on the right side. The score in the video is 58,640.

Note: The video below shows the Santa Hat glitch. This glitch has since been fixed and thus is no longer possible. The trigger was the Santa Hat atop the small pig on the left. To see which levels have the glitch, we have tagged them.

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Similar to TMH in method. Got 70K+ and 3 stars after several tries and then Kaboom. Got 110,040 with one bird. I found the Santa is keyed, he must roll 90 degrees to the right and he’ll explode and take out everything.

By Definn Design

I had the whole board explode on first bird and only got 99,000. Everything was gone, it seems a little impossible that you could get 110,040.

By VMan

I initially thought the same thing, but after many tries I got 112,3100 with one bird.

By SteveJo

Keep trying the TMH method because sooner or later…BLAMMO…one bird, almost total devastation, 110,750 pts.

By YSR50

I found the same thing. The Santa pig popped and gave me a score of 99520. Guessing that getting over 100k is possible.

By Granny V

I got 111380 by exploding the Santa Pig and using two birds.
PS I am a granny!

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,720

Hi Granny V – Thanks for stopping by. Nice job!

By Ccmcgee

What a treat!
Makes up for that almost impossible level that drove me crazy for days.

108220 is my high. First bird set off a huge reaction, demolishing everything.

Love it.

By ~JaiMe~

1st, in case i don’t have time to get on here tomorrow till late…

i have one-birded this but it yielded less points than using two. white bird to left angled corner took out 1st structure & yielded a bit of an explosion from santa hatted pig, that & falling stuff took out pkg & just managed to take out 2nd to last pig (closest to pkg). one yellow bird to last pig on right, more of transport vehicle fell, final score after less than a dozen games: 74,800. good enough for now! ;)

By Mark

The best i got so far was 92810 using only 1 bird. I am going to keep trying to get over 100000 though :D

Happy holidays to you all!


I havnt come as close to 100K as you yet Mark ! Really annoying when its relatively easy to clear this lvl ! :)
The lowest I got, and this makes me cringe, was 39K, one star !
Anyone would think I had never played this Angry Birds thingy before !!

Fat Chance ! ;)




By m1l4droid

There’s some kinda glitch with this level, the thing will just blow up! I got 103000 with that and using only ONE bird!!!

By assaye10

1 Bird, 107660 points!

BIG BANG when santa goes off!


Christmas Eve has finally arrived, and level 24 is a Cracker ! :)

Hope this will help:-

1st Bird, drop the egg close to the ground in front of the first structure, this will drop the structure and most times will take out big pig and Santa pig ( if you are fortunate, as I was, Santa pig may roll a bit and then “Go Off”, and does he GO OFF ! If he does you can kiss goodbye to all but the last pig on the right, even the hanging TNT and the balloon got hit ;) )

If Santa goes boom, use the 2nd bird to take out the last piggy on the right, by going over the top and arching down at him, job done

2nd bird, if Santa doesnt cooperate ! Over the top and take out either the balloon string, to drop the TNT onto the first of the 2 remaining pigs, or over the top and angle down to hit the lil green g*t.

3rd bird, take out the last pig on the right by going over the top and dive bombing him.

Had about 5 attempts at this without success, then Santa go BOOM, cleared it that time, the first time I cleraed it, for 86,170 = 3 stars.

Happy Pig Hunting ;)

By Kathy

I just used the first bird and hit the lower part of the building .
It did its nuclear like explosion thing but all of a sudden hesitated .
The screen FROZE for a couple of seconds then gave me a final score of about 75K .
I got over 110K before and still had items left undestroyed.
Anyone else have this happen? When it froze and came back EVERYTHING was destroyed
NOTHING left at all and only got 75K.

By Miles

Still just shy of 100k with the glitch method, the glitch seems to go off pretty easily even if you’re not trying for it.

These glitches are getting annoying now, I wish they would fix them. I know they can’t reset the score board at this point but I’d like for my highest scores to be legitimate.

By Ccmcgee

Hope it isn’t a glitch. For me it adds a bit of the unexpected.
And a whole lot of fun.

Happy holidays.


Its no “Glich” Cc, it happens with all of the hatted Santa Pigs, if you can just make then roll gently over 45 degrees, BOOM !!!

I love them ;) and I only scored 86,170 still !
I just cannot get the devastation some seem to get with one bird, still trying, though I will have to stop soon, if I stay up all night Santa wont come !!! ;)


PS, sorry, 90 degrees !
Its the hat coming off the pig at 90 degrees that seems to make them go off. they will Never explode in any way if you direct hit them, it has to be a roll.

Sorry about the error in the last post, its late and I have had a lil drinky ;)

By eRok

With one bird my score came to 570,200!!

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,720



WOW !!!

Feels sadly inadequate !

Well done !!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 72,550

I think that was 57200 …


I found droppin the egg a bit lower down the front fsce of the first structure gives a lot more chance of the Santa Pig going off, it usually takes out the balloon too, droppin the TNT on to the red pressie and taking out the first of the right hand pigs, (though I have had it hit the TNT which means 2 yellow birds to finish it off !) one yellow bird over the top to take out the last pig, job done with one bird spare, that got me 86,170 (yes the Santa did explode too, boy oh boy did he explode, there was shrapnell everywhere ;) ).

Tired the above methods and only get under 50K scores, they dont seem to work quite so well for me, but Im sure thats just my abilities, lack of that is ;)


I just cannot do this one with one bird, best I have managed is 2 birds, it just wont explode like some have had it do, for me. I get the explosion, but the right 2 pigs are always alive after it, well at least the farthest one, when I am lucky enough to get the mearer one on the cart.


92,470 now, that one was weird ! Everything had stopped moving when, BOOM !!v everything gone except the pig on the far right! No idea what make that one go off ! Glad it did tho ;)

By Mark

It’s all luck. When it explodes it should send bricks over to the righthand side and take them out. Keep trying… It will eventually work out for you! :)

By Smasha

Though it might seem impossible I got 120,140. 1 bird, full blown nuke got me to 100,140. The rest is bird history. La Smash # 1

By Gasman

I want pics smash!!! I dropped 102950 and I’m #1 not you!! Merry Xmas!!! Gasman rules !!! War top 400 ranking in world, gasman out!!

By Gasman

Bird leader and tmh, do u really believe erok? Can I borrow all your money ? I’ll pay you back, promise


Anything is possible, its a game :)
Maybe there is something on teh screen we havnt seen that causes score multiplyers, maybe he/she is a dreamer, who cares, its all good fun :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 73,920

Ya and I own a bridge In Brooklyn for sale cheap!!

By assaye10

level 25 done at 08:14 GMT…3 stars!!!
And the 3 stars present level completed 1t 08:23

Merry xmas and a happy new year.

Rovio, please get ham n high and eagle ready forandroid soon:)
I am lost without any pigs to kill


Lvl 25 is a beaut !!!

It looks easy, it is Not !
I have cleared it numerous times and cannot get past 150K ( I suspect thats the barrier to 3 stars ).


By Habanero

Well that is Angry Birds Seasons 3-starred throughout and the achievements, eggs etc busted too, so now so will really look forward to the next update whenever that may be, and thanks for the little Festive video Rovio :o)

A VERY HAPPY ANGRY BIRD XMAS to Bird Leader, TMH et al. This site adds yet another layer of fun to this great game!!

Must try not to rush Ham ’em High and that Mighty Eagle feather game inbetween Xmas and New Year. Cheers to all, Habanero

By Karla

How do I get to the 3 star present? Mine is still gray and I already played level 25!

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,720

You have to 3 star all 25 levels first.


Dont worry Karla, you can do it, I did and Im rubbish ;)

Just go back to the ones you havnt 3 starred yet, take each level one at a time, and watch the walkthroughs on this site to see the best ways to do them, you dont have to score megga scores, ( I havnt a quite a lot ) just enough points to get 3 stars will do.
Once you have done all 25 levels to 3 stars your pressie will become available to play.

By Dizzle

How do I claim the star on the 3 star gift box level? I beat the level and the star afterwards is yellow but dim looking. Did I get it?

By Dizzle

Hmmm… I don’t think I got it; the yellow egg in the top left of the screen after beating the board doesn’t have a star inside it yet. I hope someone can figure this out :)


Its a golden egg level, thats what the egg on the pause screen is there for, like the other golden egg level ( about level 12 or 13 I think had one, ist posted on thsi site somewhere ) you just get a high score for clearing it, which if you keep going and do better will go up accordingly.
As far as I can see there is no star in my egg either, and I have cleared this last suprise pressie, golden egg level with over 200K.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,720

Yep, I second that.

By Richard Simpson

I think the Santa Hat glitch has now been fixed, hit the pigs as in the video with no explosion! Why didn’t Rovio just leave the glitch in as now people have tens of thousand more points then everyone who can’t now use the glitch! Still a great game though

Rank: Hardened with 730 points
By ladycrumb (@ladycrumb)Score: 63,390

Yes, it seems to be gone. I originally played Season’s Greedings on my Droid and now am replaying it on my iPod Touch and am really missing those exploding Santa pigs. I was sure it wasn’t a real ‘glitch’ but a fun little treat – guess I was wrong :(

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By frozndevl (@frozndevl)Score: 99,260

So who here has a method of achieving a “high” score now that glitch has been fixed? I’m sitting right below 70k, but with these older scores the average is about 74k and I would love to get that “below average” value out of the column. Right now I send the white bird and drop the egg on the upslope on the first area which ricochets two small ice chunks to swing the tnt right and land it further along the train.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 59,740

Unfortunately achieving those scores after the glitch-fix may not be possible.

Rank: Out of this World with 2590 points
By frozndevl (@frozndevl)Score: 99,260

Yeah, I don’t expect to get to 90k or 100k+, but just about 5k more. Just polling the group to see if anyone has another method that could yield more destruction.

Rank: Champion with 3755 points
By Gaiter (@gaiter)Score: 67,500

I can’t seem to get past 67500, you would think that they would just leave a glitch like that in…

I’ve been able to get it with one bird, if you can hit the first structure just right the little pieces of ice will fly off of it, if that ice hits the tnt box without making it explode, the box can land on top of the other two further pigs, killing them all

Rank: Deputized with 155 points
By Ladeluff (@ladeluff)

damn the glitch is gone? and i neede 11k more for score addict…suggestions on which lvl i should ramp up my score?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 66,720

If you enter your scores on the leaderboard your personal leaderboards will show you how far off the highscore and average you are on each level. Many people have used it as a way to see which levels might be easiest for them to improve their scores on.

By Giselle

We have 92k points with only 2 stars… Can’t seem to get the 3rd star because of high points. Has anyone beat this number?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 72,660

I think the minimum score for three stars is only 57k for this level…

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By BirdPhysics (@sunnicook)Score: 69,950

69,950 1 bird

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