Tips & Tricks for Harnessing the Mighty Eagle’s Awesome Power

At some point the Mighty Eagle will start making it’s way onto other platforms. When that happens it’s quite likely that A LOT more people will be flinging sardine cans in order to summon the destructive powers of the Aquiline Benefactor. We thought it was long overdue for us to put out an article containing tips, tricks, and best practices for achieving Total Destruction (100% destruction on a level) using the Mighty Eagle. I’m confident even those well-versed in the Mighty Eagle’s destructive powers will find some useful tidbits below. Enjoy, and don’t be afraid to speak up.

» If you need help with a specific level be sure to check out our Mighty Eagle video walkthroughs!

Tip #1: The Mighty Test Shot

I do this with almost every level. Before you throw any birds, first toss the Sardine Can out into an area and see what kind of destruction you get. I use this as a starting point to figure out what the birds I’m given might need to destroy. Sometimes you’ll see that one side of the level is almost completely untouched. That may be the area to focus your attention on before you launch the sardine can. But sometimes you’ll see that the Mighty Eagle, or MEagle as I’ll refer to him later in the article, took out all most everything on the level! Which brings me to my next tip…

Tip #2: No Birds Thrown

On many levels there is no need to first attack with the normal feathered friends. All you really need is the Mighty Eagle. This is why it’s often helpful to start with the test shot so that you’ll know if this is the best option. As a matter of fact on some levels it might be the only option. On level 6-4 of AB Original, the only way I was able to pass the level was by only tapping in the MEagle! The reason for this is explained in the next tip…

Tip #3: The Perfect Pile

This may be the single most important tip. Make a pile. Yup, if the level allows you to make a nice pile of debris you’re usually good-to-go as far as attaining your feather goes. Sometimes you have to create this pile yourself and while other times it may be handed to you on a silver platter. Which is the case with the previously mentioned level 6-4. The pile is already almost perfect so DON’T mess with it! And why is that? Check the next tip!

Tip #4: Own Worst Enemy

The Mighty Eagle’s only real enemy is himself. He comes in with such force that he tends to blast everything all over the place. This is bad. You can’t always control this, but if you watch the placement of your Sardine Can as well as create that nice clean pile, you can hopefully at least reduce it.

Tip #5: The Mighty Eagle Bounce

You may notice that the MEagle has a predetermined bounce every time he lands. It’s always the same. There are two key ways to use this to your advantage. The first is on a level much like 4-18, where the blocks are spread out vertically. Use the bounce to hit at the front of the structure but then take out some of the higher items. The second usage is when the majority of the structure is sitting on a platform just off the real ground. A well placed Sardine Can can cut through the front, bounce off the ground and finish off the back. Much like in level 10-2.

Tip #6: The Sardine Can Bounce

At times the “Can” is a little tricky to control. You may have noticed that the longer the Can is the air the faster its spin gets. This can be a problem when you’re trying for a precision placement. So when placing your Can take this into account. Sometimes you need a perfect placement, so a line-drive might be your best play, but often a lofty toss with a little spin maybe just what the doctor ordered. Also, using a well placed block much like a backboard can be very helpful. Lastly, this technique requires some skill and also plenty of luck. It requires using the delay between when the Can is launched and when the ME shows up to your advantage. If you need the Can to sit somewhere high but there is just no ledge to put it, bounce the Can off of something so that the can is still falling when the MEagle is summoned. Watch my video on Seasons Summer Pignic level 1-30 to see what I mean.

Tip #7: No Stragglers

Most times you may notice that you want to destroy as much as possible with your given birds, by flinging your birds into the mess of debris. But sometimes this is not the case. SOMETIMES you may need to play clean up and take out the little stragglers instead. It may seem like you’re wasting birds but in reality you are just cleaning up house and readying your pile for the MEagle.

Tip #8: Aftershocks

On some levels there are extra items on the level which aid in the destruction, like TNT boxes and stalactites. You may be tempted to hit these with your given birds and get the destruction started but that’s not always the best option. Actually in the case of the stalactites, that’s almost never the case. The stalactites will fall after the ME comes through so you may as well let them be and let them destroy leftover debris afterward. TNT doesn’t work exactly the same way, but it can have a similar effect. If the TNT is in the right spot, let the shrapnel the ME makes take out the TNT causing more destruction after the fact.

Tip #9: Live and Let Die

Don’t kill the piggies. Yeah, it’s what we’ve been trained to do, but when you’re playing for feathers you actually often want to AVOID killing them. The reasoning is pretty simple, if you kill the piggies before you’ve used all the available birds then you lose them — and sometimes you need that extra ammunition. Why waste your time on the piggies when the MEagle is going to finish them off anyway?

Tip #10: Patience

For this last tip, I feel I need to remind everybody, it’s just a game. An awesome game, but still a game nonetheless. If you’re having trouble with a level, skip it and move to the next or simply come back later. If I had a nickel for every time I skipped a level and then came back to it a bit later only to obtain the feather in the first few tries I’d have….like….a dollar. But the point stands, the more frustrated you get the worse your shots tend to get.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article. Feel free to leave a comment below or if you want to know more about the Mighty Eagle click here.

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Category: Guides

Comments (143)

By Anonymous

Another tip: Bird Bowling. Big ol’ big brother and even white or boomerang can be used for this. If your last bird is one of these, as soon as you activate the power, tap the ME button and get the eagle going BEFORE the bird poofs away. Then, when the ME comes down and hits the waiting bird, it will launch it forward, bowling through an impressive amount of debris. The Big Bro is best. It can go through tons of ROCK with this technique. ROCK!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Good call! I totally forgot to list that one! The “pinch” version of that one can be seen in the video for seasons greedings 1-16. Thanks for the input!

By Jenna

Re: tip #6, I often leave something “soft” (an already-battered block of wood for example) at the spot I want the sardine can to stick. The soft object absorbs the force and it sticks without bouncing.

By Pål Elnan

About tip 9:
On level 2-8, one of the pigs stays put after the MEagle has passed, but then it magically disappears :-)

By Nyancat

the aftershock makes the pig bounce high,therefore hitting a roof or landing hard.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

It doesn’t “disappear”, it just pops after the mighty eagle leaves. I don’t know if that is a glitch or anything… its just what happens. :)

By dummeyman

is the mighty eagle on samsung galexyS yet

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Mighty Eagle is available for Android on T-Mobile Devices. We may be seeing more in the very near future, though.

By DominiquePutu

how abou the mighty eagle for angry birds PC? if there was, please give the download link so i can download it for my PC :D

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Not at this time.

By Josh

Can anyone answer this?

I’ve played some levels where I literally destroyed everything and only got like 98%. On the same level I had a few blocks left over and got total destruction. And, vise-versa. Why is that?

Example: Mooncake 1-11

Sometimes I’d have like 10 blocks left over and get like 90% and sometimes I’d have more blocks left over and get like 95%. WTF!!! Anybody know how the game calculates the percentile? It’s a way weird mystery to me.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Sometimes the Mighty Eagle throws blocks off-screen which don’t break. Sometimes the goal is to destroy a particular style, usually the stones since they carry more points.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11940 points
By posaune (@posaune)

Yeah, I thought that was the case but not true. I made sure nothing went off screen and still got same results.

Anybody else have any ideas?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

On Mooncake Festival 1-11, the absolute key is to destroy the small round stones. (Granted, it’s a very difficult level either way: video walkthrough here.) Those small stones carry a LOT of points, so missing just 1 may count for 2-3%.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11940 points
By posaune (@posaune)

Yeah, I already passed it but just curious how the game calulates the percentage. I was just using 1-11 as a recent example that I could remember.

Wondering if any one has worked it out to a science yet. So, we know how to figure out other levels in the future.

I’ve passed all Eagle levels but the dreaded 1-16 in the Christmas world. Yeah I’ve seen the vid but man that’s hard to pull off. I’ve already spent probably 30 hours on that level.

By Helen

Seasons greedings 1-16 must have a glitch in it…..I have tried to get the feather and I can’t get it…. just wondering if anyone else is struggling to get it

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Not a lot, but some people have the feather. We even have it on video.No worries though: Rovio is lowering the threshold.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11940 points
By posaune (@posaune)

In some ways I hope they don’t lower the threshold. I like the challenge….although I’m sure it’s made a few grown men cry. I know I’ve been close to tearing up.

By chaotix

is there a mighty eagle in the pc version?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Nope, ME is not yet there for PC.

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By Bob-Omb Bird (@bob-omb-bird)

I’m curious about how the percentages are worked out, it seems that whenever I use the ME there is a couple blocks left yet I still get 100%, but when I don it on another level with even fewer blocks left over, I get 99-80%

Rank: Master Slinger with 5530 points
By teogeo (@teogeo)

Here is an explanation from AMslimfordy

Rank: Deputized with 240 points
By Jonpaul2000 (@jonpaul2000)

More tips:
Big Brother Destruction: In any level, using the mighty eagle, try to keep the big brother birds there, put the mighty eagle likely close to the mighty eagle. Makes ton of destruction.

By Ryan

So a stratedgy that has been working for me is when you have a level with the big brother bird, you throw one or two or as many as you can. Before the big brother birds disappear toss the ME sardeen can right in fornt of the big brother bird. The goal is to get the ME to hit the bid brother bird. This launches the big brother bird and essentially turns it into a cannon causing massive destruction.

Rank: Champion with 3715 points
By Barbbjb (@barbbjb)

I’m very new to this and love what I’m doing so far. I think I have an eagle, but not sure how to work him. I tried clicking him once after he launched, but all he did was act like a boomerang. I know someone up thread said there weren’t any eagles for PCs so far, but that was posted about a week or so ago, so not sure maybe I have them now? Also what sardine cans? Please if there is a thread for us newbies on the various birds and items and how to use them please point me to it so I won’t keep asking dumb questions. Thanks so much.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You’re just looking at the regular (green) boomerang bird. That’s not the Mighty Eagle.

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

As Slim said, that’s the boomerang bird. The Mighty Eagle needs to be bought, and is currently only available on iOS, (iPod, iPhone and iPad).

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

And T-Mobile Android devices.

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

Oh, thanks for that Slim. :)

Rank: Champion with 3715 points
By Barbbjb (@barbbjb)

Oh, thanks so much. No, didn’t know he has to be purchased separately. As far as his color, he’s green white and has a yellow beak. Now that I look at him again, he doesn’t look much like an eagle. Oh well, live and learn. Sure is fun though. Thanks for your replies.

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

No problems. Have fun!

Rank: Hardened with 635 points
By ABN Huge fan (@abn-huge-fan)

Has anyone seen that the mighty eagle has writing on its beak. For Rio it says “bringing sexy back”, Seasons says “living the dream”. I think its cool!

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Just to be clear, we added that to add a bit of humor to the post.

Rank: Hardened with 635 points
By ABN Huge fan (@abn-huge-fan)

Well thanks for clearing that up for me Bird Leader!

By Nt

Ok, I’ve read and re-read all the tips and I just don’t get ME!!! First, before you buy, it’s billed as “for those really difficult levels”. As far as I can tell you can’t use ME to get three stars. Second, is the per hour limit shared or separate across the three versions of the game, Rio, Seasons, and AB? Is it better to land the sardines pre, post, or mid, rubble? Why, if we’re restricted to using only once per hour, does the eye icon continue to blink, as if teasing? What exactly happens if you try again before your hour is up? Or, (go ahead LOL) if in the process of resetting to get the 3 stars, you accidentally tap the eye instead. That accident turned into the one and only feather I’ve earned!!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I think all of your questions are answered in our Mighty Eagle Explained post. The only thing I will add is that ABo/Seasons/Rio are each separate apps with absolutely no overlap. What happens in one in no way affects the other two.

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By Redouan14 (@redouan14)

are they maybe busy with mighty eagle for classic/sasons/rio
i thougt of an idea. if you activate fullversion for PC then instead the place is empty there must be readed activate mighty eagle

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I don’t understand what this is saying.

The plan is to inevitably bring the Mighty Eagle to all platforms, including PC, but it is an ongoing project. There is no ETA for the Mighty Eagle to land on any platform at this time.

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By Redouan14 (@redouan14)

i meant for pc
you know the place that say: activate fullversion
if you already have the fullversion then it must say: activate mighty eagle

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By Redouan14 (@redouan14)

hat is a good idea isn’t it

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I’m sure that’s what it will be eventually… But right now the technology isn’t there.

By Amanda Finnegan

Mighty Eagle Mighty Hoax 4-16: destroyed all blocks made sure non went flying off screen and non lying about… but still getting 99%

By Shane Roman

Sometimes when you throw the sardine can and it bounces high, ME doesn’t get it and the can just sits there. What is that?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It can happen any time when the sardine can is moving. At some point, the entrance of the Mighty Eagle is triggered (about 3s after the Sardine Can makes contact with something). It then travels along a straight path, regardless of where the can moves afterwards.

By Loga

Is Mighty Eagle available for PC…..?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Not at this time

By Karyna

Should be nice if Rovio would give us a bonus level for the feather collected as they do it with the 3 stars in every level! Im happy now that i have all the 3 stras and all the feather in ABO, ABS, ABR!! And waith what we get on ABrio with all 3 stars collected?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

I think it would be a bit unfair to those who don’t have ios devices. On ABR you don’t get anything for getting 3 stars.

By Karyna

I saw that…but i was thinking maybe they will surprise us with a new update after the smugllers plane will be done will alll 30 levels…who knows?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

Is there a way to control the direction of the bird bowling? E.G Seasons greetings 1-16 and mighty hoax 4-2 walkthroughs

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

the only control you have is by choosing where you drop the can.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

Yes but if the can is in the front or back which way will the BIRD go? :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

The Mighty Eagle bounce is different on Angry Birds Chrome. I can’t seem to get up high easily with it. Any explanation?

Rank: Hardened with 565 points
By Austin (@austin18)

Is it possible for Rovio to add the Mighty Eagle to the Golden Egg levels just for fun. I would like to see that in the near future.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By pianistrevor (@tnatiuk17piano)

Yes but there are many Rube Goldberg levels (chain reactions) and in some GE’s there is stuff that will appear later on in the level. I don’t really think that would be an applicable option. (I don’t mean to be harsh – i like your idea )

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By Birdies99 (@birdies99)

Thank you for the tip!

By ab fan 99

are there any walkthroughs for geting 100% destruction with the new mighty dragon on ab seasons?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Only one thus far, but more coming soon. You can see them on this page.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

Can you make a MD tips and tricks page?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Probably not, but we will have plenty of videos soon.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)

Not that likely, since it might only be avaiable for YotD.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By angrykid (@angrykid)

how to get mighty eagle ??? please

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Mighty Eagle is an in-app purchase, currently available for iOS, Chrome, and T-Mobile devices running Android OS.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

Wow. Mighty Eagle plush toy is $105.

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)

Wow, I think I might have to give that one a miss then! :)

By gfish

Dude, I dont want to pay $1 for MEdigital, let alone $105 for MEreal-life

Rank: Pig Leader with 12140 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)

Thanks for the tips, I have been using them on the dragon.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

I posted some comments on MD characteristics here:
Hope you find them useful.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12140 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)

Thanks! That was very nice of you to take the time, and give me more info. I had noticed some of them also. I have not had experience with ME. Let me know if I can be of help to you. Have a great night!

Rank: DaBomb with 455 points
By Waleed (@waleed)

hey why isn’t there mighty eagle walkthroughs for all levels?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

1) We don’t have that kind of capability at this time.
2) Some levels are extremely simple.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

We find that MANY of the mighty eagle solutions are fairly simple and straight forward so we only include the more difficult ones. If there is a specific level you are having trouble with feel free to let us know if the appropriate forum thread.

Rank: DaBomb with 455 points
By Waleed (@waleed)

yeah most of them are simple !
but i just thought that you guys dont have the time and i thought i could help!

By John

How do you achieve TOTAL DESTRUCTION on level 2-6 of the Mooncake festival in seasons?

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