Mighty Eagle Finally Lands on Android in Latest Surf & Turf Update

Oh yes, our dreams have finally come true! The all-knowing, all-powerful Mighty Eagle has broken through the iOS barriers and landed for Android via Google Play! If you have been waiting, itching, chomping at the bit for this update, run to Google Play and download v2.2.0 of Angry Birds.

This update includes a lot of goodies, but most of it we have already written about. So, be sure to check out the following links as needed:

  • 15 new levels! The second chapter of Surf & Turf features several challenging levels, so see our 3-star walkthrough pages if you need any help.
  • Power Ups! Yes, power ups have landed for ABo via Android’s Google Play as well. I want to include the same disclaimers here as we do on the main release post though. First, we have a dedicated forum thread for you to post your opinions about power ups, so please do not post criticisms here. Second, power up scores are not permitted on our leaderboards. Finally, if you want to read all about what these power ups actually mean, see our full explanatory post.
  • Worried about your money? With consumable in-app purchases, one should always be weary about running up a big credit card bill, especially if you have little kids playing the game. See how to restrict IAPs on Android devices.
  • No More Ads! If you would like to remove those pesky ads, you can now buy them away for $0.99 USD.

To see how to complete in-app purchases on Android, see this post.

The Mighty Eagle Himself

And now for the coup de grâce…

The Mighty Eagle has taken a rather circuitous path to Google Play, but it has arrived nonetheless, and that’s the best news of all. There is wayyyyy too much information about the Mighty Eagle to list it all in one post, so here’s what you need to know.

  • Price: One-time purchase of $0.99 USD.
  • Usage: May be used once per hour to skip a level with 0 stars. May be used without limitation on levels already passed with at least 1 star.
  • Goal: If you are using it to skip a level, there is no real “goal”. If you have already passed the level, try to obtain the Eagle Feather by getting “Total Destruction” of the level. Some require every block, some require a predetermined amount of damage.
  • Need help? We have videos for the hardest levels.
  • Want to learn more? See our Mighty Eagle Explained post for pricing information, platform availability, and more.
  • Want some tips? FujiToast’s own Tips & Tricks post can help you!
  • Want to see these tricks in action? AMslimfordy’s Angry Birds Classroom has several videos about the Mighties.

ABN Leaderboards

Please do not enter scores on the ABo leaderboard that were obtained using power-ups. One of the key issues is the game does not distinguish between scores obtained using power-ups and those without. Recently, we announced a new feature on the leaderboard that allows you to undo your score. This should help those who accidentally entered power-up scores, as they can now be reverted (this could be ones only record of their scores). We are working on additional enhancements and will announce those soon.

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Category: Updates

Comments (107)

Rank: Slinger with 1065 points
By BombEagle (@bombeagle)

I’ve never thought I could play Mighty Eagle on Android. This and the space one are the best updates.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11120 points
By thetoddman23 (@thetoddman23)

Last two updates have been pretty sweet

By Takacs David

finally. tome to get my hands on the biggest bird in this side of the planet!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5530 points
By teogeo (@teogeo)

Finally, this day has come!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I couldn’t not comment, I have been waiting for this for so long!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)

It surely has. Now I’ve got the ME on my DroidX phone and ad-free as well. Twice the happiness!

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

Is this why Amazon update may have changed from with power ups to without? If so, does anyone know if the Angry Bird Backup program would restore to Google even if it was created with Amazon Angry Birds. Have 3-starred all levels and would love to go for total destruction, but it may take forever to come to Amazon, based on the IAP problem with phones and AB Space.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It seems the Amazon version was rolled back due to data-wiping. I would simply hang tight for now.

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

@amslimfordy See my post below about AB Space experience. I am done with Amazon at least on AB Space. I uninstalled Amazon AB Space and had bought Premium from Google previously. Installed it and restored all accomplishments and was able to finally actually successfully purchase Danger Zone. Sorry if this is at the wrong place, but wanted to make sure other Amazon users would see it.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I replied to the post you noted. I’m certainly not criticizing. A few months ago, I would have encouraged any Android user to get an ABx game from Amazon. Now, I’d far sooner recommend Google Play. Far less issues, IMHO.

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

I absolutely agree. It seems like they may have took too much on with the Appstore and are making poor decisions that affect at least Angry Birds players. Haven’t had many problems with them outside of Angry Birds.

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

The restore to Google did also work for the ABO even though backup was created with Amazon version. Will probably eventually transfer Seasons if eagle is added.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@oldmanbird We are getting in reports that both AB:Space and ABo via Amazon have been repaired, so there should be no further data-wiping. Take a look!

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

@amslimfordy Thank you for letting me know about the update. I bought and loaded both versions ABO & ABSP on Google Play the other day and they worked great. I am going to keep the Amazon version in my que since I already paid for it, but will stick with Google, unless things reverse and Amazon starts doing better with Angry Birds. They could at least include in the description what the update does so people don’t lose progress. Luckily since I had a backup I did not lose anything switching to Google.

By Dani

@oldmanbird Slim is correct re: ABSp and ABo-they are fixed at Amazon, no worries. I have never encountered a problem with Amazon, except sometimes less content availability than Marketplace/Google. However, Amazon clearly advised purchasers/updaters that their AB programs would be deleted/uninstalled. I know from direct personal experience. I paid $2.99 for ABSp, and I certainly was not going to risk the data or $$ loss. I am working on the best method to backup my specific device. All I needed to do in the meantime, was be a little patient. Patience has to be repeatedly demonstrated with the majority of releases being given to iOS users before Android. So, your preference as to device, store, OS, etc., is a highly personal one, but I do not think you can sort of condemn Amazon as a whole. Maybe you can contact Amazon to advise them of your experience or dissatisfaction. At least that seems more fair IMHO.

By Dani

@oldmanbird Apologies-better use of wording would have been not condemning Amazon, rather @amslimfordy and u agree to discourage Amazon usage. They/Amazon is really good, and their support is far superior to Google, IMHO, and from personal experiences. Again, to each his/her own preference, but I would not recommend one over the other. They are both good, but for different reasons. Happy playing with wichever one you use!

By Dani

@oldmanbird My apologies-a better use of wording would have been u and Slim agree to discourage use of Amazon, rather than condemn. Also, you did state that AB was the main issue, and other things have been ok with Amazon. I found Amazon’s support to be better than Google, IMHO, and from personal experiences. Again, it’s kind of whatever works best for your individual situation/circumstance. Thus, I would not recommend one over the other, as each of us is different. Whichever u ultimately use-happy gaming!

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

@dani I want to make clear that I do not discourage Amazon for anything but my Angry Birds Space And Angry Birds Original experience. In fact, I would highly recommend for shopping, selection, third-party vendors, video and the list goes on, they are my choice to do business with in almost all purchases. Their support is excellent and timely on everything else, even the Amazon Appstore representatives are very kind and helpful people, they just made several poor decisions in the last month or two on the previously mentioned Angry Bird games. I don’t think anyone would expect a program to be a lesser release than the previous version. I got the “replacement” wording and had backups. However, because one release went to pre-Utopia from the Eagle and Danger Zone, I lost the progress on 10 levels. Not a big deal but it still happened and the fiasco with not getting Utopia until over a week later and almost a month on Danger Zone and Eagle, I do not trust them on those two programs. Unfortunately patience is not one of my strong suits and had I had more patience I might have waited it out. I just feel like an explanation was necessary because at the time of my post, I was a lot angrier than I am now and poorly chose my words. Thank you for making me realize that.

By Dani

@oldmanbird No problemo. Actually, I didn’t want to seem too harsh, which I think is why I ended up with 2 similar posts. I was not trying to rub it in or anything like that. I thought I lost my progress quite a while ago, before the idiocy of not making a backup set completely in, and I rebooted instead of freaking out and all was well because my progress was up to date, except for the last couple of shots. Oh heck, that’s not quite totally true. I completely freaked out for 5 min. until I realized I may have a slightly possible solution—-otherwise, waaaay too many days of WORK would have been obliterated. I totally get it, and u r welcom if what I said truly helped in some small way. You should see how hyper I get WHEN I’m playing ABs….scary, really scary.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1605 points
By golden eggs hunter (@witeek)

Awansome! Finally on Android! Maybe the king pig golden eggs will be able to get?

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

Man am I going to be busy! First, 15 more levels to ABO. A just announced ABS update “coming soon”. And now I have to go back and re-do all 333 ABO levels with the ME to get my feathers.

Needless to say, I’m a happy boy!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)

congrats android users! enjoy the ME!

Rank: Slinger with 1065 points
By OneBadPiggie (@onebadpiggie)

Thank you, @angryperson! I think I will!

Rank: Out of this World with 2890 points
By adam.np (@adam-nagypal)

I hated Rovio last week, but now I started to like them again because of the Mighty Eagle. Finally!

Rank: Slinger with 1020 points
By cillmylandlord (@cillmylandlord)

I installed this update via amazon apps and all of my info was gone. I had to start the game all over.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Sorry to hear that. It was reported by a few members and slim has reported this to Rovio. It has been since removed from amazon pending a fix.
I suggest you back up your progress from now on. We have a thorough guide here.

By jennydavis2002

Yep. I was 8 stars from being 3 stars ON ALL LEVELS. Starting over. Would have been nice to know. I would have completed the 8 stars, and THEN updated.

Rank: Slinger with 1020 points
By cillmylandlord (@cillmylandlord)

I had 3 stars on everything and all the golded eggs. And now I have to start all over,again. And still no Mighty Eagle.
I just did the Amazon update for Space and it wiped my info too. Beware of amazon app center.

By Dani

Does anyone know how or where the update is for a Droid phone? I did not see it listed with the AB games, and my phone says all are already installed. All I have in Google Play as listed are ABRio, ABSeasons and ABSpace or Space premium. Yes, I have AB installed on my phone as well, and I completed the original Surf and Turf levels 1-15. Can anybody help me understand what to do?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I would power off your phone, reboot, and check Google Play again. The update should be there.

By Dani

With update to ABS, Droid phone and Google Play no longer recognize ABS and ABo as separate programs. Therefore, cannot get the update. ABo is installed, and I even raised one of my scores in Surf and Turf to make sure it was working. Did anyone else encounter this problem? I had not played ABo in awhile, so I was not aware of the issue. I turned off the phone, but it did not help. Any other suggestions?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I’m not sure I’m understanding the issues.

Rank: Champion with 3735 points
By Birds! (@theog)

Try to backup your progress by ab backup app or AMslimfordy’s backup guide. Then re-install your ab. Then, restore your progress

By Dani

@AMslimfordy @rwhitney22 @theog I have contacted Google Play and Rovio. Update: As of 8-23, Droid3, along with 7 other devices, including some Samsung models, have been “blacklisted” by Rovio. As far as I know ALL ABs run fine on Motorola Droid. Why Rovio stopped supporting it remains a mystery. Hopefully, Rovio will respond with fixes and the availability of ABo on Google Play. At this time, the other ABs: Space, Rio, and Seasons are still available on Google Play. One would imagine this would include future updates for same. However, that was not the case with ABo, so it does cause one to ponder. If I receive additional information, I will post it. If anyone else has details or hears anything further from Rovio, I would greatly appreciate knowing.

By Dani

@AMslimfordy @rwhitney22 @theog Update: After 10 days, Sept. 2, I have not reveived an official response from Rovio. However, this is not unusual as Rovio tends to be very busy, especially with all the new games and/or updates recently. BUT, I did finally get the actual update for my Droid3. It works perfectly, just as it did before. Now I have Power Ups and the Mighty Eagle, as well as the additional Surf and Turf levels. Also, I can buy additional stuff/in-app through Google Wallet. I will post the OFFICIAL response once it is received directly from Rovio.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

It worked! I was able to download the new game update. Although ran into slight snag: when I went to my updates, it didn’t say “update”, it said “download and install”. Installed the game, and then had two ABo games. Uninstalled the other with no ME, and restored my progress via a backup app and VOILA! New ABo with ME and no lost progress. I am a happy girl.

By Jen

I paid for both the Eagle and no ads and neither have shown up. When I click on the shopping cart to purchase them again, it tells me that I already have purchased the item and it brings me to Google Play which then automatically crashes EVERY TIME. Help!!!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You should contact Rovio with your issues. They’re they only ones who can help with purchasing problems.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

Jen, I had the exact same problem with my Droid 3 and was working with Rovio on it. I tried 5 different times, using 3G and wifi, each time needing a refund and trying again. I eventually gave up. I still have no Mighty Eagle after waiting for so long and being so excited to finally get it. Oh well, it is as it is.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

I have a droid 3 and when I go to update ABo, it says “this version is not compatible with your device”. Never had a compatibility problem until now. I am not happy.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You should probably contact Rovio directly with this one.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

I did today. I have yet to receive a receive a response. My friend has a Droid X, which is damn near the same phone with the exception of the qwerty keyboard, and she was able to download the update. So, I have no idea what is wrong with the Droid 3.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

Ok, got a response. Rovio told me to move the app off of the SD card then download the update. So I did. Was still saying not compatible. So I rebooted. Still not compatible. So I backed up my progress using a backup app, and uninstalled ABo. I went to reinstall it, and is still saying not compatible. So now I lost the entire game. Emailed Rovio back. Does anyone know if anyone was able to get this update with any of the Motorola Droid phones? My friend was able to download it with a Droid X, but that’s not the Droid 1-4 series, like I have (but its still basically the same phone). If I knew if it was my phone only, and not ALL Droids, I might just give up until I get a new phone next year.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

Well, I was able to download the game again via Amazon. So, the good news is, I have the game back at least and the new levels of Surf n Turf. Bad news is, no ME. Amazon sucks.

By Dani

@singlemaltgirl I have had no luck with a Droid 3 either. I am contacting Rovio during the week of Aug. 20. I can write further info in this post at that time. I do plan on working with Google as well in my particular case. However, I also have Amazon. They definitely have the M Eagle, but no power ups like u c on Facebook online game. Anyway, Amazon can be very helpful. Just ask for the next tier of tech support or a supervisor. Mysituation is a bit different than yours, so I hope that whatever I find out will be beneficial to someone.

By Dani

@rwhitney22 My bad. I play so many of these darn things on different devices. There is no MEagle in the Amazon Surf and Turf. There were power ups on Amazon S&T, but I believe they were removed with the latest update/revision. However, Amazon HD version of ABSpace unequivocally has the ME. Whew, did it take some adjusting to, as did the whole game. I think all the AB’s are fun. Happy gaming.

Rank: Deputized with 230 points
By singlemaltgirl (@rwhitney22)

FYI: wrote Rovio back that their tip didn’t work, and they responded early this morning that they are researching the Droid 3-incompatibility problem. Standby for updates.

Rank: Champion with 3735 points
By Birds! (@theog)

Weird, i can update the game, even my phone was smaller and slower than droid 3

By Dani

Honestly it has nothing to do with phone size or capability. Rovio has “blacklisted” certain devices. As such, Rovio is NOT releasing the update .apk file to Google Play for the specified devices. As of 8-23-12, that included 7 total devices that were affected. I am still awaiting additional information and “fixes” from Rovio. That is not to imply Rovio will ever provide it. I anticipate there will be more general problems arise for ALL Android users with the patent case that Apple recently won against Samsung Electronics. Bummer, if that ends up happening.

Rank: Slinger with 1075 points
By PigFlinger1234 (@pigflinger)

I don’t get why they don’t make the ME lands on the PC, they can do it on ABC and ABF, but why won’t they make it land on the offline version(s)?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Because there in no in-app payment system in place via Rovio’s shop. Chrome (using Google Wallet) and Facebook (using… well, Facebook) have payment systems in place for IAPs.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)

I’m glad to see that Android users got the update in a much more timely manner this time. It usually takes much much longer for you guys.

Rank: Fling King with 4870 points
By Harrystar6 (@harrystar6)

Congrats to android users have a good time with the mighty eagle! :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12085 points
By kai92 (@kai92)

Woohoo! The Mighty for Android at last! Hopefully it will come to Rio & Seasons as well!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

Has anyone with the paid T-Mobile Mighty Eagle version tried updating with Google Play? I know we didn’t lose our eagle or scores when we used to update that way, but I’m wondering if we will now that Play has the eagle?

Rank: Boss Hog with 13330 points
By kathi17 (@kathi17)

for anyone with the T-Mobile mighty eagle, you can update using play and you will still have your paid eagle and all your feathers. Sorry if this post looks weird. I am on my phone and the page keeps jumping to the top so I can’t see what I am typing.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Thanks for the info kathi!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)

been looking forward to this since Year of the Dragon :D It’s a great idea.

First, back up scores!
Second, download 2.2.0!
Third, play the heck out of the game while on holiday! :D

Rank: Out of this World with 2565 points
By Old Man Bird (@oldmanbird)

Warning: Do not install the Angry Birds Space udpate in your que from Amazon. Posting here because more chance people will see it. I had Utopia update with Danger Zone and Space Eagle and after update only 1st 10 Utopia and no Danger Zone or Space Eagle now. Update became available today. I lost the last 20 3 star levels even with backup.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

This has been noted on both the ABo v2.2.0 and ABSpace v1.2.2 posts. As well as in the Updates Log.

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

I am a ME and SE fan and played them all. View the ME/SE as bonus game within the AB’s games. It provides a different view of obtaining success with the same levels as presented with 3 stars. With the iPad most MEs are free but SEs have a price. For the money it is fun and does provide a form of entertainment. Would encourage all to obtain the ME/SE feathers with all the levels. Accomplishment of success is a form of satification in itself.

Rank: Champion with 3375 points
By Elite (@natsu8031)

Yes! My dreams come true! Thanks Slim…:)

By celso

Which version of android i is necessary? I ha ve version 2.2 and upgrade is not available. Sad

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

v2.2.0 is the highest version. This material is only relevant to the app from Google Play, not Amazon.

By celso

I mean which version of android, not ABO.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I don’t think there’s any real requirement on Android OS, besides that you can run the app.

By celso

Message I get: Motorola A953 is not compatible device. :-(

By Dani

celso: Please refer to the post (above) regarding Motorola Droid. If you were previously able to get and play ABo, then in all liklihood, you also have a blacklisted device. You can contact Google Play, and they will usually tell you if and/or why the program/AB is not functional. In addition, it would be wise to advise Rovio of the issue. Make sure to include as much information as possible, especially your phone make/model. I hope this helps. Happy flinging.

Rank: DaBomb with 305 points
By celsojp (@celsojp)

Today I received a response from Rovio, see below:

Rovio Support Team, Aug 28 03:50 (EDT):
Hi Celso,
and my apologies that it has taken us so long to investigate this issue. I’m happy to tell you that after further testing and reviews, we have now been able to again start supporting the Classic Angry Birds on Motorola Milestone 2. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and chagrin this has brought and hope that you can still enjoy playing with the birds. If you have any further questions or comments, please get back to us!
Best wishes,
Rovio Support Team

Actually I had already managed to install the game on my phone, downloading package (apk) and done the installation manually. But now at least everything will be “official”.


By Dani

@celsojp Thanks for the info. The Milestone was definitely 1 of the blacklisted devices, directly per Google Play. When Google support mentioned “Milestone,” they did not say Motorola, so I had no idea we were referencing the same device. I am really glad Rovio responded 2 you, and I am aware the response time can sometimes be lengthy due to sheer volume. If Rovio has fixed the issue 4 your phone, then 1 can only hold out hope that they will address the remainder of the devices…..or at least those of us who have pointed out the problem to them.

Rank: Explosive with 2125 points
By xXAngryBirdLover2214Xx (@angrybirdlover2)

man,is mighty eagle ever going to come to PC?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Only if PC develops IAPs, which I have seen no signs of yet.

Rank: Explosive with 2125 points
By xXAngryBirdLover2214Xx (@angrybirdlover2)

what are IAPs’s?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

“In-App Purchases”

Rank: Deputized with 135 points
By birdyboo93 (@birdyboo93)

Is Rovio planning on putting IAPs in the PC versions of all the AB games? If the mighty eagle needs to be purchased I would buy it in a heartbeat. Is there a way to influence Rovio so they can put an IAP in all PC games for the mighty eagle?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It would need to be purchased, however the issue right now is not that Rovio needs influence, but rather the technology needed to introduce IAPs to their own standalone system.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1850 points
By Adrian McShade (@adrianchau)

Yay, I can play the mighty eagle on Android! Thanks, Rovio!

Rank: Explosive with 2325 points
By MUFC (@mufc)

@Amslimfordy, do you know that you can disable Power-Ups, daily reward and the Power-Ups Shop?

You only need to click on the settings button and so you need to click on the Power-Up button like this. And when you have cliked on the Power-Up button this message will show up! But you can reactivate the Power-Ups at any time!

Rank: Fling King with 4390 points
By SouperBrick (@souperbrick)

Yahooo!! can’t wait for it come on Seasons and Rio! :D

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

OMG OMG OMG!!!Finaly this is amazing can’t wait to play it.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

Umm… somebody,please help me.. I need assistance,so here’s the problem,I just bought the Mighty Eagle 5 minutes ago,and after I bought it,it redirects me back to the game,with no mighty eagle,tried pressing the cart again and it says that you’ve already purchased that or item is pending,is it normal?and most importantly,will I get the eagle safely?thank you,it’s just that I’m afraid of losing my money,LOL xP

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

Umm… anyone,please,I haven’t received the eagle yet u_u

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Have you tried using it?
If it’s not available after the purchase, you should contact the company you bought it from..

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

Pressed the eye button and still bringing me to the Mighty Eagle ad screen,send them an email about this and they haven’t answered :(

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

I had the same problem but now I have the ME try to restart the app and then if it it does not appear go to the ME purchase screen and click the cart.You will get the same message that you have already purchased that or the item is pending then go back to the app.You should have the ME if that does not work wait a litle bit and restart the app again.This worked on my android hope it works with yours.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

Nope,it didn’t work,tried restarting my phone,turning it on and off,remove battery,opening the app,still not working :( ,but thanks for your help,I appreciate it :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

@hristaki032 Where did you put the app?SD Card or Phone Internal?Does it affects IAP’s?

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

I don’t think that affects the IAP.I did click the cart 10 times but I don’t think that works.Waiting is a good idea.Maybe email google play store.You can try playing with Wi-Fi off.I don’t have any more ideas sorry.

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

Why do I forget the reply bottons!?

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

BTW @alfredhartojo when I purchased the ME the app was on my phones iternal storage then when I had the ME I moved it to SD card.Hope that helps.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

Thanks :) Still haven’t received it yet U_U

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

@hristaki032 One more question,when exactly did you bought ME? I still haven’t received it yet :(

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

I bought it on 11 of August.Hope you get it soon it is awesome.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6945 points
By alfredhartojo (@alfredhartojo)

I bought it 11 too,still haven’t received it yet,frustated now… :(

Rank: Champion with 3550 points
By hristaki032 (@hristaki032)

Did you try uninstalling and installing it again?That will delete your purchase and you have to buy it angain.Backup progress before you uninstall.That is not the best way but if you want to you can try it.Again backup your progress before you uninstall,don’t forget it.

By Madder13

I seem to have the same problem. I purchased the Mighty Eagle on the 9th of the month and I haven’t received it yet. It also seems to be a general problem since I read many comments from the Google Play store and many people who purchased it haven’t received it after many days of waiting. It looks like Rovio should release an update to fix this.

Rank: Explosive with 2315 points
By javignacio (@javignacio)

I had the same problem, the solution (the only I know) is uninstall the app and then install again, and you will get the eagle, BUT YOU HAVE TO BACKUP THE DATA!!! and I can only use the eagle when I only restore my old highscore.lua , because with my backup app i can’t use the eagle

By Dani

@hristaki032 @alfredhartojo FYI-You do not have to do an uninstall and all the other stuff, but backups are always a good idea. Simply contact Google Play and inquire if your Google Wallet was charged (payment method that is applicable to your case), and Google will provide a credit for the amount paid for the item/purchase that was not received. Once the credit is processed, it will clear your device so you can repurchase. It is very important have a strong wifi/internet signal for the purchase and subsequent download. If you have any interruption or complete loss of signal, there is a strong probability that data loss and/or corruption will occur. Good luck, and I hope you get it all worked out.
@javignacio @Madder13 This information may be applicable in your case as well. Sorry, I did not see a reply button under your posts. Hopefully, this does not cause any confusion, as I forgot to list your names at the beginning of my post. Cheers!

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

Just completed all 333 levels of ABO using the ME. Got all feathers and did NOT use a single power up.

Rank: Champion with 3240 points
By heathen (@heathen)

I can’t believe that ME has FINALLY come to Android, and there are ONLY 68 responses….

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

@heathen, It’s because we are all too busy trying to get feathers to comment. I finally got all my ABO feathers, now I am working on AB-Space. Only have danger zone left. Not looking forward to those levels.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5530 points
By teogeo (@teogeo)

Finished my feather collection today as well… :-)
Bring it on Rovio, we want Seasons now!!

I don’t recall the DZ levels being hard to obtain feathers btw.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)

@teogeo, I finished the DZ Space Eagles last night. (I cheated and watched the walk throughs). Some were easier than I thought they would be. Level 14 was my toughest. But I did get all feathers not only in DZ but all Space.

By David

for some reason the original angry birds is not listed in the google play store on my motorola droid 3. If i go to google play via the internet on a pc, it has the app there, but when i go to install it tells me my device is not compatable. Is anyone else having this issue?

By Lucius

Yes I am having this issue. I got a replacement phone, Motorola Droid3, same version, and its telling me that my phone isn’t compatible. It’s driving me nuts. Its bad enough that I lost my progress, but I can’t even download it onto my replacement phone. I can however download Rio or Seasons, which I haven’t done as of yet. I just want the original.

By Dani

David and Lucius: Please see the post above about the Droid3. It should answer your question. I am going to follow up on my other post once I havea direct response from Rovio.

Rank: Flinger with 85 points
By ewalder311 (@ewalder311)

Not sure if this has been discussed yet, but I’ve just purchased the Danger Zone pack for ABS, the Mighty Eagle unlimited for ABo, and neither of these features are working. I uninstalled the Space game that I previously purchased on Amazon and purchased ABS Premium on Google Play. The “15 minute refund window” has passed. I have a Motorola Droid RAZR. Please help!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You will likely have to contact Rovio directly. There have been some reported issues and I’m sure Rovio is investigating.

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