• Kayle850 posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    @swineflu red rocket here jus requested to join fairly new but willing to work an spend to get to where I need to b

    • Sent an in game request
      Name is red rocket
      New account but will up it quick and perform well in cvc

      • Did you send a friend request to Jet S. Jones? I had one there but when I accepted it disappeared! Can you send again so I can get you on our group page and chat. Sorry I added you to the clan already

  • @swineflu I’d love to join your clan, as I’m a serious and active team player who appreciates a family friendly environment.  I’m fairly new to AB2 though, with rank 19 and 150 flock power, would you still accept me if I participate in every event?  I’m coming off from Clash of Clans where I played up to TH 10 in a serious war clan with over 350 w…[Read more]