SwagySeagull Active 9 years, 9 months ago

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  • SwagySeagull

    Bubbles’s classes:
    Explorer:already showed you.
    Deals 86 damage.Deals *2 damage to Rogues.
    All birds’s attack go up by %20 and their defense goes up by %10.
    Ill add more soon.


    Native:Already showed you.
    Painful stab
    Deals 46*2 damage. Deals more damage to enemies with charged attacks.
    Get Them!
    All birds can deal more damage to charged-attack enemies.
    Deals 85 damage.5% chance to Reduce charges by 3 turns.
    Battle cry
    fills the Rage Peeper by %10.


    HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY GUYS! im back. here are some classes i made up for hal. the other birds will be next.


    OK. Tomorrow I’ll try making Ice Bird from ABS.


    My avatar looks legit :)


    Cool, right?


    I thought of something new. You know how Hal is captured by the pigs in the original game? So, When you meet Hal, he’s gonna be birdnapped by the pigs and he will be taken to piggy prison. You’ll have to go back there and rescue him. Piggy prison will be the same thing, except after you defeat the wave with the ironclad pig, you go up another level and face a corporal and two ironclads. There’s Hal’s cage too, but this time it has 1000 HP. If you free Hal, you automatically win the level and be able to use Hal.


    Also, Porkador is a good idea except for the humungous HP. Im at level six in the game just so you know. Try making Cyporkador. He’s like the original but stronger.


    anyway, how do you guys think of what I made?


    He is already?! Aw, man! Well, Those abilities i made were good though, they would fit the corporal.


    Yup, That’s it.


    And finally, an enemy pig.

    Corporal HP:600 level:6

    Helmeted Headbutt
    Deals 54 damage.

    Charge:3 turns. Attack Power of all pigs increase by %20. Lasts 2 turns.

    Passive: Takes %50 less damage from ranged attacks.
    Example: Chuck, Blues and Bomb with his drying pistol.


    Last is Stella. Only her rage ability has her real personality in it.

    HP: 240 Level:8 She’s a scientist that holds a vial and a medkit.

    Poison potion
    Deals 37 damage. Target pig takes 58 damage for 3 turns.

    All birds gain 40 HP for 3 turns.

    Rage ability: Bubbles of Justice.
    Deals 75 damage and stuns all enemies for 2 turns.


    Bubbles is next. He specializes in weakening enemies.

    HP:210 Level:7 He’s a safari explorer and hols a GPS and an egyptian-like dagger.

    Deals 49 damage. Target takes %25 more damage for 3 turns.

    Target bird has a %50 chance to take no damage for 2 turns.

    Rage ability: Balloon.
    Puffs up and smashes all pigs. Pigs take %50 more damage for 4 turns.


    Here’s my next one. It’s Terence. He doesnt have any helpful abilities due to his utter grumpiness.

    HP: 202 Level:7 He’s a boxer and holds 2 boxing gloves.

    Deals 60 damage.

    Charge: 3 turns. Deals 90 damage to all enemies.

    Rage ability: Big muscles.
    Attack power goes up by %150. Lasts 2 turns.


    Here’s my idea. I”l post 1 new bird at a time.

    Hal HP:200 Level:7 He’s a native and holds a spear and a wooden shield.

    Deals 43 damage. 10% chance to reduce charges by 1.

    Native Shield
    Target bird takes %50 less damage from charged attacks.

    Rage ability:Ultra Boomerang.
    Hal Boomerangs off the stage and hits a pig, dealing 150 damage.
    Then he comes back hitting another pig with 100 damage.

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