Rutjan Active 3 years, 2 months ago

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  • Rutjan

    @angrlee Gee, you speak true words of wisdom, here.

    I’ve been enjoying the game since the very beginning. I liked the side-scrolling aspect and character upgrade.

    At some point in time (in the early days) I had to restart all over after resetting my device (that was before there was the facebook cloud save thing).

    Ever since, I’ve been doing my best to upgrade birds to level 15, collect new characters with challenges.
    They were easy at first, though it took me some time to get to it, I would be in the top 5, playing 4 rounds and waiting for self recharge and so on. I managed to get a few special birds like piece of cake (still missing 10 of those darn birdies).
    But after a while, for some reason, challenges started getting harder.
    I’ve made a test, just accomplish one round in the morning and leave it be for some time and guess what: I always end up at the end of the day around queue spot 19/20, no matter if I play like a mad man or not.
    I’m seriously starting to question the AI and wondering if the names of other players on the chart are not just bogus…

    I remembrer the times when you only needed coins to get new birds: now there’s tokens, sparks… gosh, this has become way to complex.
    Like some of you said, I can’t even imagine what it’s like for new players.
    I don’t really know when things started to go South with this game but I think it’s close to the time when energonicons and material crap started to emerge.

    I managed to keep up (mainly farming, gathering coins and gems and sending birds to daily 4h missons in order to upgrade all my birds to level 15) but with the latest update and that overpower-level-16-thing, this gave me the hard blow.
    Not to mention the new Ultimate Weapon Trypticon bird that costs 10.000 tokens, which seem virtually impossible to gather if you have a job and a social life.

    So I made up my mind to write to Rovio publically, searching the internet to find an official thread and ended up here.

    I’ve hesitated to get rid of this game for some time and reading you guys just gave me the little push I needed to get my spare-time back for other things.

    I’ll keep following the replies to this thread and would be curions to hear of whatever new nonsensical time-consuming manoeuvre Rovio will come up with!


    @angrlee Gee, you speak true words of wisdom, here.

    I’ve been enjoying the game since the very beginning. I liked the side scrolling aspect and character upgrade.

    At some point in time (in the early days) I had to restart all over after resetting my device (that was before there was the facebook cloud save thing).

    Ever since, I’ve been doing my best to upgrade birds to level 15, collect the new characters with the challenges and managed to get a few ones (still missing 10 of those).
    Challenges were easy at first, though it took me some time to get to it, I would be in the top 5, playing 4 rounds and waiting for self recharge.
    But after a while, for some reason, challenges started getting harder.
    I’ve made a test, just accomplish one quest and leave it be for some time and guess what: I always end up around queue spot 19/20, no matter if I play like a mad man or not.
    I’m seriously starting to question the AI and wondering if the names of other players on the chart are not just bogus…

    I remembrer the times when you only needed coins to get new birds: now there’s tokens, sparks… gosh, this has become way to complex.
    Like some of you said, I can’t even imagine what it’s like for new players.
    I don’t really know when things started to go South with this game but I think it’s close to the time when energonicons and material things started to emerge.

    I managed to keep up (mainly farming, gathering coins and gems and sending birds to daily 4h missons in order to upgrade all my birds to level 15) but with the latest update and that overpower-level-16-thing, this gave me the hard blow.
    Not to mention the new Ultimate Weapon Trypticon bird that costs 10.000 tokens, which seem virtually impossible to gather if you have a job and a social life.

    So I made up my mind to write to Rovio publically, searching the internet to find an official thread and ended up here.

    I’ve hesitated to get rid of this game for some time and reading you guys just gave me the little push I needed to get my spare time back for other things.

    I’ll keep following the replies to this thread and would be curions to hear of whatever new nonsensical time-consuming manoeuvre Rovio will come up with!


    Same here! I upgraded my Nexus 5 to lollipop and at first the game just kept crashing.

    Yesterday Rovio published a new update that makes the game playable, but the progress was not saved during the update. Still have all my Google Play Games achievements though…

    Fortunately, I had kept a Titanium backup from November 13th which was I think the last stable and running version I had.
    I tried to restore only the data upon the new version, but it kept crashing Google Play Games…

    When shuffling through the root folders, I did find two files in data/data/com.rovia.angrybirdstransformers that are “save_guest.dat” and “save_guest_backup.dat”. Usually, files that include the word “save” are progress backups somehow.

    I tried switching those two files with the ones from the backup, but it didn’t work.

    I’m running out of options here. What really bugs me is that I had made good progress on the game and the thought of having to restart all over is just discouraging…

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