noodlepimp Active 9 years, 7 months ago

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  • noodlepimp

    Hi That’s some good advise.thank u.a lot of my gems have been used with the “beat friends score”… stupid android tablet :( . I also just miss luckyboxes .its very annoying lol.. I hope there is a new track or something soon. I justbbought a few telepods online so will try them out when they arrive. Thanks again Carl :) :)


    Also I have thousands and thousands of coins. Bought all upgrades and carts I can.. Is there a way to exchange them for gems or anything I can buy with them?? Thanks again Carl :)


    Hi.still can’t stop playing this game lol. Made more progress by using up a lot of my gems. I was thinking of logging out and starting from the beginning again. Would I lose the progress I have made and would I need to set up a new email etc? Hope u got a couple of lucky boxes I’ve been sending. Carl.. P.s how are u getting on?


    Hi. Had 4 lucky boxes from u. Thank u v much. I stopped playing after today. The weekly challenge is not worth bothering with anymore. The dayly event is fun but again not worth it for a few coins or 5gems etc. Bit fed up as I loved this game. I hope there might be new levels or tracks soon.are you still enjoying? How are you getting on? .. Carl


    Been Playing weekly challenge. I used a couple of power ups and used loads of lives.. My reward?? 8 gems!! War a waste of time Lol. Is there going to be any new tracks or updates soon?? How are you getting on ??? Sent u a lucky box the other day. Hope u received it. Carl


    Hi. Completed over 100 challenges now. They are becoming impossible to collect 5fruits whilst in air when there is no air carts are all maxed out and still too slow for the speed tasks. Skipping them are bout 100gems per are you getting on? Sent u a lucky box too. Carl


    I used up a lot of my gems to get round the beat a friend score section. Completed loads more challenges and sent u a couple of lucky boxes. Let me know if u received them? Also bought the coin doubler (£5) but worth it. Yeyyy enjoying the game again now. Carl


    Hi received a lucky box fa from u. Thank u… I don’t get the share with friend menu as i have no friends I suppose..i hope an update will be soon as I cant continue any more challenges now. Thanks again Carl


    I’m on ab go 1.4.3.. On android jelly do u get or send lucky boxes?


    Cool thanks.. I’ve completed another 20odd challenges and stuck now on beat a friends score. I have added u on fb but perhaps u haven’t done those challenges yet?? Thanks again for UR advice. Carl


    Hi. What’s the deal with telepods? Should Ibuy one and which is the best to get?


    Hi sent u friend req . just gor new car prezzie
    .thanks. (Soappop sedan) I won the big bang L6 from the weekly cchallenge. Which is best??


    Hi. I’ve completed about 50 challenges. I’m stuck now as they all have a “beat a friends score”.. None of my ffriends play ab go :(


    There’s eight carts per level and five levels. Do I need to somehow earn enough gems to buy forty carts then upgrade the forty carts? That would take forever?


    How do I do that? Buy each cart in every level? Then upgrade to the max each cart in every level?

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