• Hey Thrasher, your more than welcome to come over. As you can see in our history and clan chat. No one leaving, and just winning in the chat. We just ask that if for some reason you change your mind. Just let us know in chat and do while the clan is not in a cvc. Just say hi in chat when you come in we’re in the middle of a CVC now. Last I l…[Read more]

  • Yea my clan is  a completely different than killer rabbits. I have 18 players that haven’t missed CVC in a year. That being said if killer rabbits has daily players that don’t miss CVC unless they pull their player out and post in chat that’s completely fine. Our average FP is high 900’s low 1000’s plus we haven’t had a player join and leave or…[Read more]

  • Joel became a registered member 2 years, 10 months ago