KingofStrangers Active 9 years, 11 months ago

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  • KingofStrangers

    * SPOILERS ( Just in case)

    I’m having an issue in the final battle against Demonic Wizpig. Not only is be whole battle aging incredibly my laggy(on iPhone 4, so may be the device), but when he prince joins in he doesn’t line up with the birds. He stays behind them and I’m unable to give him an order. So he birds can all act normally, but when I choose him here’s no blue circle under him and if I try to tap and drag to a target the targeting is completely off. Since he can’t act I can never end my turn, and therefore get stuck.


    Hi everyone,

    Looking for friends for Angry Birds Epic. Currently level 11 and I play everyday. Facebook friendly, link is in my profile. Feel free to add me. Looking forward to playing together with everyone.

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