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About Me

My user name comes from two things King island, Alaska is the where my mother is from and the Alaska Native Tribe/Corporation I belong to and 99762 is the zip code of Nome, Alaska where I grew up.

I’m an Alaska Native Artist, Married with 4 grown children, currently living in Anchorage, AK, where I make my living doing my artwork.

If you have always wanted to visit Alaska I say do so, before it’s too late and don’t come up here on the tourist routes, come as an independent traveler, make plans to see real Alaska and travel to Nome, St. Lawrence Island, or Little Diomede Island, Wales or Teller, just don’t come up and stay in Anchorage, Fairbanks or some other road connect city, come here and enjoy the real Alaska, not the tourist Alaska.

Got questions please feel free to email and ask away, I’ll answer the best I can.

If you’re looking for a real Alaskan made gift then email me and let me know what you’re looking for, please don’t support the gift shops that buy from China or some other foreign country.

If you want to see what I make and you’re a friend on my friends list here at then you will be able to see my face book user name, just put in a friends request and check out my photo albums of my artwork, jewelry and family.

Thanks for reading and enjoy. Jimmy


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