KarinuaRain Active 9 years, 11 months ago

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  • KarinuaRain

    It is hard to figure out what to buy. lol I wish they made that easier to understand. I’m only level 17. Just started playing a couple of weeks ago too. I don’t play every single day, but I love it. I like that we can come to a place like this and share our experiences as users.

    It was all fixed with the new update. Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind if it gets mixed up again in the future.


    It’s not a bug. The items you get from the gold pig rolls are named differently from the patterns you will get that have the same graphic. You can tell by what the shadows look like if it’s the same weapon. When you want to buy a pattern it tells you how much better it is than the weapon you have. However, the number it shows you like +8 for instance is only if you get 3 stars. So if you craft the pattern and only get 1 or 2 stars, the damage on the weapon or health on the off hand will be the same or less than what you already have. The exception to this is when the pattern says the weapon at 3 stars will be something like +40 from what you have currently. In that case, it would be most likely an upgrade at 1 and 2 stars even though it would be smaller like +10 and +22 or whatever.
    Keep in mind that unless it’s a set item, the items from the pig are also 1 to 3 stars. So if the crystal sword had been only 1 star, the pattern sword would have been much better at 3 stars. In your case, it sounds like the sword was 2 stars so the 3 star crafted would have been barely better. Yet, you didn’t get 3 stars so it wasn’t better at all.
    I only buy patterns personally if the 3 star version would be +20 or more better. I’ve left several patterns in the dust because of better items from the pig rolls or just not enough of an upgrade over the previous weapon. I don’t personally try to have a weapon with each effect on hand. I just go with the flow.

    Also, I’m aware this is a fan site. Wanted to see if others were experiencing the same bug. =) It’s been fixed now with an update today.


    I see some other people have had troubles with this. I’m on Kindle Fire. This is now the third day that I cannot ask for friendship essence. The button is sitting with no timer as if you should be able to, but clicking it does nothing. You also cannot exit the totem window at all. I have to close out the app, wait for it to shut down and open it again just to do anything. The x button and the essence button bob up and down so it isn’t frozen. They just do nothing.
    The golden pig has stopped showing up as well. However, the free roll with a friend *after which I have to close the app and exit as I said* is still working as is watching an add for an extra roll.
    It’s frustrating when you’d like to be able to get a few gold coins by faithfully logging in and also the treasure from the pig, but you can’t. Then you can’t get any friendship essences to help with the rolls. *sigh*

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