Jakeee Active 2 weeks, 2 days ago

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  • Jakeee

    is the “life up when matilad is the captain” skill good ?
    btw, what is your current place on the leaderboards ?
    and which level is your current turtle pigs folks ?


    will you use it ?


    Thank you very much !


    so, what are you saying is to save my ship energy bottles to the special monsters on the last days and not to help weak monster pig (do you mean to monster that her level is lower than 20 ?).
    about the ship parts:
    my bow is the stella bow (the one from the rock and roll event)
    my mast is newbie one (from my island)
    my hull is the stella hull (the one from the rock and roll event)

    I’m on island 5 and floor 7 since im playing for about one month (joined when the rock and roll event had 7 days to finish)

    i still didnt get something, what can i do if no one is helping me with the green pigs ? i lost like all of my green pigs since they were level 60 and everyone of them is taking 3 hours(6 ship energy!), Not to mention how much super pigs i lost…

    (english is not my native language so im sorry if i have some mistakes)


    how ?
    last monster pigs events (reggae pigs),i lost to every single super reggae since they were level 30+ because no one helped me. sometimes i was the only guy who attacked my reggae pigs and i had to spend like 7 ship energy for a single reggae pig.
    i placed 2700 on the reggae pigs event because no one helped me.
    so just tell me, how are you staying in the top 2000 while requesting help from players who most likely wont help you.


    chuck’s artist mustache ! :)

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