big guy Active 9 years, 5 months ago

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  • big guy

    I have looked all over. I have an Apple desktop and cannot find any type of unlock code. I have been relentless in my pursuit for this unlock code.I am willing to pay the nominal fee mentioned in some posts. I have beaten EVERY board that angry birds has come out with and with pretty good scores and really LOVE angry birds and my family cannot believe what an addict I have become. All that said…waiting for 3 weeks to play these levels is driving me nuts.

    ANYONE have any ideas as to how to unlock these boards? I would appreciate your assistance


    big guy

    I found the release post. It says on some formats you can buy an unlock for the whole game for .99 Where do I find this and it is available for Mac os X desktop?

    ANY assistance would be appreciated. I don’t want to wait a month


    big guy

    Forgive me..I am very new at this..Where do I find the release post so I can see what’s going on?


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