arctic eggspedition

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  • Just downloaded..from the mac app store…angry birds season 4 update..ARCTIC EGGSPEDITION. Looks great..HOWEVER..after getting 3 stars on the first board it now says..Next level available in 38 hrs. What is this? You have to wait 38 hrs to go from one board to the next?

    Someone enlighten me. Am I missing something? Thanks for all your assistance


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  • MVNLA2

    @Ironman — Try reading the release post. : )

    big guy

    Forgive me..I am very new at this..Where do I find the release post so I can see what’s going on?


    big guy

    I found the release post. It says on some formats you can buy an unlock for the whole game for .99 Where do I find this and it is available for Mac os X desktop?

    ANY assistance would be appreciated. I don’t want to wait a month



    For Mac and PC, levels unlock day by day (Level 2 on December 2, 3 on December 3, etc.) like in an Advent Calendar. This is by no means new; in fact, the “pay to unlock immediately” is a first and being greeted with mix reception.


    @Ironman — If you haven’t found it yet, the link to buying the unlock code appears when you click on a locked level, at least on IOS devices.
    Oh yeah, sorry if my reply sounded rude, but I’m not an admin, so would have to search for the release post. Probably a good thing for you to do some searching around the nest to see what’s here.

    big guy

    I have looked all over. I have an Apple desktop and cannot find any type of unlock code. I have been relentless in my pursuit for this unlock code.I am willing to pay the nominal fee mentioned in some posts. I have beaten EVERY board that angry birds has come out with and with pretty good scores and really LOVE angry birds and my family cannot believe what an addict I have become. All that said…waiting for 3 weeks to play these levels is driving me nuts.

    ANYONE have any ideas as to how to unlock these boards? I would appreciate your assistance



    Mac and PC don’t have in app purchase, so i’m afraid you won’t be able to buy them.


    Not sure if this is the correct forum but..

    Cannot get this to open on my iPhone 5s. The load screen comes up and then it backs out to the home screen.

    Tried rebooting. That doesn’t help.

    I have all the files backed up to my computer so I guess I can uninstall and try again.

    Has anyone else had this problem?




    For Mac and PC, levels unlock day by day (Level 2 on December 2, 3 on December 3, etc.) like in an Advent Calendar. This is by no means new; in fact, the “pay to unlock immediately” is a first and being greeted with mix reception.” –
    PC update no yet available correct??????


    Haven’t seen on yet. Likely soon.

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