Gaurav Gupta Active 9 years, 6 months ago

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  • Gaurav Gupta

    i have the latest version as I updated the app a few days ago, but it has been 48 hours and I have not received a chance to roll a friends golden pig, does the app need to remain on for the entire 24 hours, because otherwise there is something wrong, because I don’t get to use friends golden pig every 24 hours at all

    Gaurav Gupta

    I should have gotten a use on a friends golden pig today but I did not, so I know something is wrong

    Gaurav Gupta

    Something must still be wrong with using friends golden pig, because I updated my version 2 days ago, got to use two friends golden pigs, I play daily or multiple times a day and yet still haven’t gotten anymore chances to use friends golden pig. everything else works fine, I can even go to friends camps, but cant use their golden pig daily like I should, any help would be appreciated.

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