dcc1079 Active 5 years, 9 months ago

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  • dcc1079

    The posts in this thread cover pretty well most of the Rovio greed issues with the Daily Challenge.  And don’t get me started on the Arena, but its greed issues are covered well in other threads.

    I just wanted to ask if you all are seeing what I’m seeing in the Daily Challenge: if you run out of birds and pay the initial 60 gems to get three more, and THOSE aren’t enough, then the next three are no longer 120, but 180 gems?  And the three after that are now 360 gems?

    And is this “inflation” going on for the Arena also?

    I emailed Rovio Support, saying I thought this must be a bug b/c the increased charge is ridiculous.  I have yet to hear back (it’s been a week), and I doubt I will, though I sent a follow-up today.

    The next step is to SHAME this company on Twitter, in public.  Not every game company has to follow the lead of the Candy Crushes of the virtual world.  I would point to Hipster Whale with their Crossy Road and offshoots (both other games and other companies), where you can have fun, pay to have things progress a little faster, or don’t pay and still enjoy the game fully.  That is an ethical approach to being a game vendor.

    I guess when a game that has staff positions entitled “Game Economy Manager” … that should be a warning to Rovio users.

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