Critico GS Active 9 years, 11 months ago

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  • Critico GS

    I guess the issue has been solved when it comes to “leveling up”…. I was stuck at 17, but little by little way slower then the others levels it reached level 18. Level 18 on the other hand has been going up as normal as the other experience levels.

    One issue I am encountering just know is as I enter the Monday Dungeon it only allows me to use two birds… last week it let me use three…. I don’t understand why this is happening…. anyone else having this issue?

    Critico GS

    Thanks for the reply… if you get any information let me know… because as you say, it’s pretty useless until it’s fixed.

    Critico GS

    Hello everyone….. I have an issue… Once I have reached experience level 17 it reaches almost halfway full and it does not add any more stars or experience to reach level 18… anyone else has experienced this and fixed it?

    Have a great day.

    btw I’m using the latest update for android.

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