185szvsz Active 6 years, 1 month ago

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  • 185szvsz

    Thanks, but some of the co-leaders let me in even before my (moderated) message appeared here… so thanks again to let me join to your clan even if I’m not a 350+ FP player :)



    I’m looking for an active clan, where I can win more than arena tickets (not like in my old clan… I’m full of tickets, so I quitted from that clan)

    I’m a 239 FP (If I don’t wear the stone age hats:~212) daily player, I always score at least 1 point in the clan challenges since I was able to join to a clan.
    I never played clan battle, because our one and only clan leader was inactive so I never able to try it…
    I won 9/10 arena weekly tournaments and I complete all of the the daily challenges except the “claim your gem letter” and “give a gift to your friend” ones.
    I’m always in the top 100.000 in mighty eagle’s bootcamp.

    I applied to Slayer clan what I saw here earlier… but If I got rejected, is there any clan who want me in their roster?


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