Let’s Dance! Bad Piggies Shuffle & Spawn Halloween Music Video

Rovio just released their official Halloween tune titled, “Bad Piggies: Shuffle & Spawn”. It’s a throwback to the 80’s and the more you listen to it the catchier it becomes. So drop what you’re doing and start cutting a rug. Oh, and please be careful not to open your door for any Zombie pigs on Halloween night.

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Comments (13)

Rank: Out of this World with 2840 points
By TNM (@razorblood)

It’s neat, however I think it could’ve been more original. Most of the scenes were reused from the toons and stuff.

On the song itself, it’s awesome, and I bought it off iTunes because of that. ;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

@razorblood does the iTunes version have that part in the beginning with the Halloween poem thing? That’s the only part I don’t like.

Rank: Out of this World with 2840 points
By TNM (@razorblood)

Yeah, it does, so if you don’t like it then too bad :/

By M

What a kool tune. Love everything Angry Birds/Bad Piggies. This song reminds me of so many things from the 80s. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. Nice.

Rank: Sling God with 35860 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I find it so 80s too. Samantha Fox style lol

Rank: Sling God with 68800 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

That was the exact same thought that entered my mind. There was some similarities in the base and background music and effects to “Thriller”.
It has a rhythm/beat and it is a good dance tune. Nice work Rovio.

Rank: Champion with 3575 points
By Omega X (@omega-x)

Thank Goodness that this is not as horrible as the Bad Piggies one! (No offence, but honestly, THAT was bad). I find it a very catching tune, although due to it being ‘pop-styled’, it is rather hard to grasp the melody. The poem is nice, but I am not THAT accustomed to people speaking over soundtracks. However, it sets the mood rather nicely.

In conclusion, a good ‘POP’ soundtrack, however is DEFINITELY INFERIOR to previous Halloween soundtracks. So good try Rovio, but IMO, not good enough. Some constructive criticism perhaps would be, have a definite nice melody, try not to go into pop (for me), and one last thing, PLEASE DO ONE FOR SEASONS! =P

Omega X

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)

A splendid music video!
I considered that my daughter was interesting with pleasure!

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By The Bubbles (@sara2001)

good its thze best song I ever listend!!!!!!!

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By The Bubbles (@sara2001)

DID YOU SEE!!!!!!! 2 small videos of night of the living pork cool!!!!!!!!

Rank: Debriefed with 1415 points
By Abhijit (@abhijit)

i know this isnt related to the above stuff
but all of a sudden Angry Birds Classic, Angry Birds Rio,Angry Birds star Wars and Angry Birds star Wars II have became free on the windows phone marketplace.There doesnt seem to be an Offer it looks like a glitch
For reading more about it go to this article

Rank: Debriefed with 1435 points
By bubba (@angrybird617)

best song for angry birds fans

Rank: Champion with 3355 points
By Miezko (@miezko)

From what vid is the scene where the pig is playing angry birds, Switch to 1:39, then you will see it.

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