Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage is Out Now for iOS! Our First Look at this Rovio Stars Game

Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage — the first game from Rovio’s publishing initiative, Rovio Stars — is now out for iOS! The launch of Icebreaker’s, which is based of the popular Flash game, has been highly anticipated since late last year.

The gameplay is pretty simple. Your goal is to get all of the trapped and stranded Vikings back into their boat. To do so, you must cut through chunks of ice and let physics take over. Perhaps the most important part of the gameplay is the mini cutscenes (not really “important”, but pretty hilarious!)

General Info

  • The initial release features 95 action-packed levels in three different lands! Most levels are clear and chronological. Occasionally you have a choice in which path to take. And sometimes….
  • You can chose a side quest! These are usually three or four levels long and end in a fantastically humorous finale. Worth the time, I believe.
  • Special god powers to speed through tricky levels! These are in-app purchases, but note that, like in Angry Birds, all objectives can be completed without these powers. So purchasing them is completely optional.
  • Hidden secrets! We can’t say any more, otherwise they would be neither hidden nor secrets.
  • Epic final bosses, including the gigantic Mountain Troll and his legendary indigestion!


In any given level, there are multiple objectives:

  • Primary Objective: You absolutely must rescue all the stranded Vikings. If any Vikings die in the water or are killed by some other means, you fail the level and must try again. Completing this objective is sufficient to pass the level and move onward.
  • Coin Objective: There are either coins and/or treasure chests scattered throughout the level. Coins are collected by touching them with a Viking, while the chest must make its way into a boat. A chest contains 3 coins, and the coin objective would be to collect all coins in a single try while also completing the primary objective above. You can see the number of coins you’ve obtained and the number possible on the Level Selection screen.
  • Par Objective: The “Par” objective is added a little later in the storyline, but applies retroactive to all levels. Once available, Cutting Master will determine an adequate number of “cuts”, and your goal is to complete the primary objective is at most “par” cuts. In most levels, simply ignoring the treasure chest is the biggest key to earning par. You can see if you’ve made par by noting the red flag on the Level Selection screen.
  • Goat Objective: In Trollmarsh, you are introduced to a shepherd whose goats are suck on or in the ice with the Vikings. (How on earth did this happen?! Silly goats.) If a goat falls into the Viking boat, the hammer-wielding Viking gets scared and whacks the goat. If a Viking falls into the shepherd’s boat, the shepherd whacks him! So, yeah, get them into the right boat. Unfortunately, I don’t see any indicator on the Level Selection screen for this objective.
  • Additional Side Objectives: These are similar to the “goat” objective, but vary by context. They are occasionally necessary to move on to the next level or open a side quest.

Our Coverage

We have decided to cover Icebreaker right here on We seriously considered covering it on; however, Rovio Stars games are part of the Rovio ecosystem, so it makes sense to cover them right here. Icebreakers is a fun game and challenging enough to deserve walkthroughs.

Suggestions, Bugs, and Miscellany

  • One initial observation is that the camera does not pan with action. In some levels, it would be very convenient if this were to happen, but there are a few levels where timing of slices are very key, and therefore panning may be counter-productive. Maybe panning unless you are holding a cut?
  • Speech bubbles galore! The game is known for its humorous cutscenes, but they are pretty lengthy to tap through.
  • Late introductions to God Powers. I mean, Gravity isn’t introduced until Level 3 of Under Dwell…. That’s far far too late. At this point, the IAP is nearly useless since you’ve competed over half the game already.
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Category: News, Rovio Stars, Rovio Stars News & Updates

Comments (93)

Rank: Fling King with 4730 points
By LuKaZzZ (@lukazzz)

did anyone find gatekeeper’s missing items and is willing to share?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Have you checked our walkthrough pages?

Rank: Fling King with 4730 points
By LuKaZzZ (@lukazzz)

Thanks, much appreciated. I only checked YT channel.

By Vtcajones

On the hammer of the gods level the magnet field is appearing at the front of the boat and not on the Viking making it impossible to finish the level. Has anyone else encountered this bug?

By jo mcnerney

its a bug related to using ios 7 beta I believe

By Kim

I saved the goats in Isle of Goats and was awarded the puzzle piece. But how do i access the side quest? I can’t find it anywhere? Help please!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6350 points
By Au (@arushss)

its coming on android soon.. nitrome have posted the message on facebook.

By aluba

Anyone knows how to achieve par in “The serpent” which is the last level of the game? I’m stucked!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Have you watched our walkthrough video?

By aluba

I can’t browse youtube cause i’m in China, maybe word strategy will help, I need par this level, but killing the serpent needs at least 6 cannon, how does six cut possiable?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

There are some written comments below the video as well. I think they are more descriptive than I could be.

By aluba

Thanks man, the written comments doesn’t show how to par this level, but I just figured it out, to par this level needs a little bit of luck though, my strategy is shown below:
1 cut: go to the left side;
2-5 cut: use the cannon to hit the serpent when it comes from right to left, these four cuts must be quick, and hopefully, one of the cannon ball falls to the right-side cannon, now, both of the cannons has cannonball in it, then let the serpent go.
6 cut: this is the tricky cut, aim both of the cannon to the serpent and this cut will shoot two cannonballs towards to the serpent at the same time, and the serpent will crush!
Watch the serpent go crazy and explode! LOL!

Rank: Sling God with 32215 points
By SnTrooper (@sntrooper)

Now available as the free App of the Week.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11775 points
By cams (@cams)

Why are there no walkthroughs for the Kraken levels?
How do I par the ship in the bottle level?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@cams We are no longer covering Icebreaker since it is no longer part of the Rovio ecosystem.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11775 points
By cams (@cams)

Ok, but could you help me with that level? No need to make a video walkthrough.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11775 points
By cams (@cams)

It didn’t occur to me that I could cut the ropes on the ship…

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