How to Update Angry Birds PC through Intel AppUp

If you launch Intel AppUp today you may notice there is an Angry Birds update. This will update you to v1.5.1, which includes:

Ham ‘Em High – 30 new levels
– New Golden Eggs. I would presume there are three: #18, #19 and the Super Bowl / Rio Golden Egg.
– The ability to switch into “windowed” mode from the main screen (click the settings icon under the “Play” button)
– A new and improved pause menu.
– Bug fixes

If you don’t know how to update, just follow these instructions:

Click “My Apps”

Now, on the right hand side under “Available Updates” click “Update”. Now, you should see a user name and password prompt. After a couple seconds it should automatically select your user name. At this point you need to enter your password. I should note, I had to click the “Update” button at least 20 times before this came up.

After the update has finished downloading and installing fire it up and begin hunting for those Golden Eggs!

If you don’t yet have Angry Birds PC check out this post where we outline instructions on how to get everything set up. We also have a handy Angry Bird PC and Mac control guide.

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Category: Guides

Comments (79)

By Annet Muller

I can’t download angry birds seasons at appup!!! There is no link to download. Help!!! ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Seasons isn’t out for the PC or Mac yet.

By darkblue

Does anyone know WHEN seasons will be out on PC or Mac?

By jonathan

but what if I have downloaded it from a different website? is there an possible way to updateangry birds? i have a windows 7 computer and i really want to get the update.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not sure. If you want the update I would purchase the game through the official channel, which is AppUp.

By jonathan

Thanks any way.

By Jokubas Beliauskas

Ya I want to update but I haven’t downloaded angry birds through intel appup. Tell me when you know how. Ok?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

My recommendation, purchase it through AppUp.


I purchased angry birds thru the intel app store, but it is not showing an update for the ham em high level 14.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By RLZIII (@rlziii)

On the PC, the only way right now that Angry Birds is supported is via the Intel AppUp store. Rovio has stated that they plan to distribute through other channels later (for example, Steam). So if you don’t have the game through the AppUp store, you’re out of luck. You should support the developer and buy the game legally. It’s not very expensive, and there’s a lot of replay value in the game. If you buy the game, you’ll be able to get all of the new updates with easy (there’s at LEAST one new update every month) without having to deal with re-downloading every time and whatnot. Without your financial support, the developer can’t keep making these updates regardless.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By RLZIII (@rlziii)

I’m not sure what Bird Leader’s official policy is on pirating, but considering the nature of this website and the community that follows, I don’t think he supports it. Again, I’m in no position to say that you can’t discuss pirating on this website. But I’m sure most people here have paid for the game and support all of the great work that Rovio has done of the last year and however many months.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Agreed, @BirdLeader and I have discussed that it would be preferred to not have piracy discussions here. It’s understandable that it make come up on occasion but like you said, the game is VERY inexpensive for the amount of replay value. If you’re able to afford either the device it’s played on or the service attached to that device, an app that’s less than $10 with VERY generous updates should be purchased outright. I won’t pretend I’m immune as I use Installous to test apps and see if they are worth my purchase and unfortunately often they REALLY aren’t and I have saved a few bucks by finding that out, but if I find the app is great, I purchase it. The developers deserve my money if I’m going to use their app, this is their job.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Indeed, we do NOT condone piracy. While I am not a fan of Intel AppUp (who is?), if you really want Angry Birds on your PC you need to purchase it through the official channel or wait until there is another option.

For what it’s worth, we don’t condone cheating either, as it deteriorates the quality of the game for everyone. If you notice, we have not posted anything about the 21st and 22nd Golden Eggs even though we’ve known about them for months.

By Josh

I can’t buy the game because my OS is Vista and AppUp only works with XP and Windows 7. The pirated version works perfectly on Vista though. It’s their own fault I “stole” the game!

By Jokubas Beliauskas

Ok I won all the game on three stars on PC and if I update Through AppUp and I will have all the golden eggs what is then. What happens if you got all golden eggs. Is it for nothing? Because I won’t pay for that because I can update on my iphone. I just need it on pc because it is cooler.So waht happens?????????????Tell me. Thanks

By tfygukijlhkjh

No progress will be lost because highscores and unlocked golden eggs are stored in the AppData folder.

By Alan

How to update it on all machine? For me, it only updates one computer, not the other 2.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

You have to update through AppUp on each computer. If you’re using the same account I’m honestly not sure.

By Alan

Thx. Yes, that’s what I try to do. 0 updates on the other two machines. And I believe I can legally install the apps on up to five computers. Have to email AppUp I guess.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

That’s a bummer. Intel AppUp is definitely not great IMO.

By Alan

Yes, it needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled. Just make sure you backup the highscores.lua and settings.lua files in the \AppData\Roaming\Rovio\Angry Birds folder, just in case…

By Lisa

If i download the Angry Birds app from the Intel store – does that automatically update my game ? I dont want to lose all the work I have done so far ….

By Alan

Just make sure you backup the highscores.lua and settings.lua files in the \AppData\Roaming\Rovio\Angry Birds folder.

By Lisa

Just drag and drop those files ? When purchasing, will that file be created ? ( \AppData\Roaming\Rovio\Angry Birds folder.)

By Alan

When you play and advance on the game, then it will create and modify the highscores.lua file. It writes your scores, stars, etc. into that.

But if you d/l only to ONE computer, the appup software will update that installation; it worked for me. What I’m saying is you will need to uninstall reinstall ONLY if you have put the game on more than ONE computer. The 1st computer you update Angry Birds will work but not the rest. At least for me.

Rank: Shooter with 825 points
By mannem (@mannem)

I never saw an “update available” note on IntelAppUp, so I just re-downloaded the game. I had saved the whole thing to a flash drive, in case, but turned out was not necessary. The new download included HEH, and it saved my existing scores.

By Lisa

Ok- so the one Ive played on will be the one to purchase through and also will update from – due to the files already being established here … so I should be safe to go ahead and buy the app. Kewl!
One last thing : even though it says in the app store that its the ‘game’ – this will just add on what I dont have yet ? There isnt an update out for just the new levels, correct?

By Alan

No, it’s like Seasons. Everything since Halloween is in there.

By Lisa

Kewl- thanks alot – you rock!

By Alan Brown

1.5.1 the latest for pc?

By Sherry Edwards

I installed and have finished the free Angry Birds download from Best Buy. When I go into My Apps the icon for it is in the folder but no matter how many times I click on the available updates nothing appears. I am logged in. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help! :)

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

There are probably no updates for the “free” version. Have you tried buying the “full” version?

By Kim

My Ham Em Up level 14 says coming soon. How soon does any one know ? There is no option to update. What should I do ?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Sorry we haven’t heard any specific date on that.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

The PC is only updated to v1.5.1. Unfortunately, v1.5.3, which includes chapter 14 hasn’t been released for the PC yet.

By Ran_TH

Sorry kinda out of topic. But I wonder does Mighty Eagle is included in PC version as well? Because I’ve digging the Angry Birds program file and there you can see Mighty Eagle sprites. There’s also some Mighty Eagle related codes in the Angry Birds settings.lua file.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Not yet. Only on iOS devices currently.

By Sliepo

Does somebody know how to delete the highscores on the pc version? My daughters already got 3 stars on each level, all the golden eggs, but want to play again.

Remove AB from the PC is not working. Some help, please…:(

By Brian

I don’t see any updates for Angry Birds on AppUp. My version of angry birds still says “coming soon” after the 1st or 2nd rd of Hang ’em High…is there an update?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Should be one coming rather soon, but not yet.

By dinoflap

How about Angry Birds Rio? Does that works too?

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Angry Birds Rio is available for the PC. Check out our post here for how to get started.

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

I bought Angry Birds and Rio from today – any idea how I will receive my updates, considering I didn’t get the game from AppUp, and on the homepage of Rovio’s it says it will be “updated regularly.” Do I get emailed the updates? There’s no ingame “update” button, so how will I receive my updates?

Rank: DaBomb with 410 points
By dGhost (@dghost)

By the way, it is a legit website – it is the Angry Birds Rovio website

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I believe there is an in-game prompt when an update is available.

By Mirster

I bought Angry Birds without Intel App Up, and I want to update my game. Any possible ways? I downloade App Up after my purchase.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The SO game (from I believe will prompt you when updates are available. So far, no updates

By Mirster

I don’t have round em high, and I haven’t recieved any updates.

Rank: Champion with 3140 points
By smlindahl (@smlindahl)

“Coming Soon!” means what? I’ve been waiting since March!!

PC users pay a higher price for fewer u

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Hopefully in the coming weeks, but I agree that PC/Mac is overdue.

By y.gopi sai nath reddy

i am playing angry birds on my pc computer i comepleted all levels in 4 episodes with 1 or 2 or 3 stars how to unlock other 2 episode (mine and dine etc) pls help me

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Those episodes / levels have not been released for the PC yet, so you will have to wait for the next update.

By y.gopi sai nath reddy

thankyou very much but in pc how many golden eegs do pc version have i comepleted 10 but other 4 eggs r not unlocked pls help me what is the end of the game in pc how to do it pls help me thankyou birdleader u r really the leader

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I believe PC has 20 available. You can check put the Golden Egg page for help. Clearly the last few aren’t yet available for PC since you don’t have those levels yet. Up-to-date should be World 13 in Ham ’em High.

By y.gopi sai nath reddy

when they will be released

By y.gopi sai nath reddy

if it is released we can directly upload the other two episodes(mine an dine, etc) to my game and continue or i have to start from first should we get all 3 stars in all levels for all golden eggs

By Janet

I am trying to update Angry Birds Rio at Intel AppUp. I followed the steps above and everything went well until the install. After I clickd on Install, it shows “Processing” but never completes. What can I do? Thanks for any help you can offer.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

AppUp can definitely be finicky. You may just have to keep trying. If you’re on Windows 7 you might also try running AppUp as an Administrator (right click on the icon in the start menu then select, “Run as Administrator”).

By Janet

Thanks for the advice. I tried as an administrator. Unfortunately for me it didn’t work. I’ve sent an enquiry to AppUP tech support. If they tell me anything interesting/useful, I’ll share. Thanks for replying to my post.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jeffmonra (@jeffmonra)

there is angry birds “ham’em high” for pc? i had been looking all over and not luck

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Unfortunately, the update is now out in AppUp yet. You can only get the PC update from, but that is a different version, so you’d have to buy it again. If you did opt to purchase it again be aware that when you install your AppUp version will get overwritten, but you progress should remain intact.

By julia

ok, i’m reading conflicting things in this article. i have appup on the pc… there is no update available for angry birds… is that correct? when the heck is it going to be out? seeing as the only option i had was to get angry birds through appup, i’m not happy that i’m the last person in the free world to not play the new levels… *sigh*

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Please note that this article is dated March, and an update indeed landed back then.

I assume you are referring to the v1.6.2 PC update that landed recently. We have asked Rovio if/when AppUp will receive this update. We will report back once we get a response.

I understand your frustration. As BirdLeader said, you have the option to purchase the standalone version, but I realize that shouldn’t be a requirement. Like I said, as soon as I hear something, I’ll put out an APB.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Response from Rovio:

Intel AppUp will receive updates just like other platforms, though their release has taken a bit more time. Unfortunately, we can not give any release dates at the moment.

By Maiden

I play Angry Birds/ AB Rio on my PC (which runs has Vista OS). I don’t have a clue as to what “Intel AppUp” is. I purchased my games via the official Angry Birds (Rovio) website. How would I update my games to the latest version? Also, have you heard any news as to when Seasons will be available for PC? How do I update Angry Birds for Chrome? Sorry…lots of questions. Thanks for your help.

Rank: Sling God with 37260 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

What version of Angry Birds do you currently have on your PC? Currently, v1.6.2 is the most recent version available for the PC, so if you have that there is no need to update. Not sure when Seasons will be available, but I imagine it’ll be relatively soon. Chrome is not something users can update and I’m not sure when Rovio / Google will release the next round of updates for Chrome or Google+.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By joeyh98 (@joeyh98)

i downloaded intel appup and when i search angry birds, there is no search why :(?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Hrm, should be there.

However, if you have not yet made a purchase, I would encourage you to download the standalone version from It’s updates are more frequent and the cost is the same.

By Kyle Martin Villagen

how can i update i have a file named appupwrapper so how do i update? do i download again?

By Kyle Martin Villagen

and actually i downloaded 1.6.2 in my other pc but in this pc its 1.0.0

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

The standalone version is at v1.6.2. AppUp has not received this update yet, but the instructions are pretty clear on how to update AppUp.

By Antonio

Hi there! I’ve downloaded and activated Angry Birds from Rovio site. The folder of the game contains an application named updater, but it doesn’t work (“invalid command line” when I launch it). The same thing for Angry Birds Rio. It’s normal? Does the game have an auto-prompt for the updates?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

It is supposed to, but your file seems corrupted in some way. The current AB version for PC is 1.6.2 and Rio is 1.2.2. If you have these, your are all set. Else, you can manually download the update by grabbing the “Demo” exe from

By Antonio

Both versions are updated. So I’ll play for a while, then I’ll try to download the demo again when a new version appears. I don’t have to purchase a new activation key, right?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Correct. The “demo” will be the new exe, but your activation should remain.

By Antonio

Thank you! :D

By c

I purchased angry birds fo pc from the rovio site and not through Intel AppUp and I can’t find out how to get updates. Can anyone tell me how to update for pc if you purchased through Rovio?
Thank You.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Instructions are in this post.

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