"Wrong Node Cleared" Bug – it's baaaaaaack!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum "Wrong Node Cleared" Bug – it's baaaaaaack!

  • Just finished a Very Hard node in Pig City with L10 Optimus Prime (I know, I’m shocked as well – thank goodness for energon shields!)

    Finished the run, collected my pigs and coins.

    Go back to the map screen, and he’s exacctly where he was before, but with reduced health (obviously), and immediately ready to go another round (i.e. the Eggbots aren’t randomly transforming the same TF to the same node consecutively).

    I look around the map, and I notice two things:

    1. another node just started to be transformed, indicating that a node has definitely been cleared somewhere

    2. another node that I was going to play next (a Wild West node with L11 Lockdown in case you’re interested) had now been cleared!

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  • Replies
  • Sumit Arora

    You are correct I faced the same situation yesterday was playing with thunder cracker and after finishing the mission he was dere and Energon starscream node got cleared!!


    Haven’t noticed the wrong node clearing yet, but have noticed I can beat the hard and very hard nodes now with little damage and little coinage as well.

    Power Pork

    Is this bug only for IOS or it’s in android too?

    Sumit Arora

    Both Optimus Pig and me are on iOS!!
    Don’t know about android users!!



    Like @sumitarora15 mentioned we’re both on iOS.

    Although I believe the last time this bug was a problem it was affecting both iOS and Android players until the update back in April fixed it.

    I thought it was nailed down and this was the first time it’s happened to me in well over a month!

    So no idea if this is just a rare random glitch, or if the bug is really back, and if it’s iOS only, or both iOS and Android this time around.




    I am on Android and I haven’t noticed the bug yet either (knock on wood). And I have noticed that occasionally (with luck and Energon TF’s) the Very hard levels can be eeked out, but I spend so much time running from structure to structure (to gain health), don’t stop to shoot at that gold block or you’ll be a dead-bot… that I end up on the negative because I don’t make enough coins to cover the repair cost. But at least every once in a while I can clear a node off w/out using Skywarp in hopes that a fair one will show up in its




    Android, still not happening.

    Hard levels now a crap shoot, about 50 50 on completing first time. They are winnable but may have to play 2 or 3 times.

    Very hard aren’t as bad as hard just seem longer.

    I cringe now when I see medium levels, half are unplayable. I’ll even upgrade that TF by one rank and still get creamed, I really despise the wave after wave of shotgun pigs.

    Now I just played a beach node with grimlock that was taking hits and nothing was on screen shooting at me just like the earthquake death from before except that I transformed and got away from whatever was killing me and only lost 3 hearts to it.

    Side note, with Soundwave and Shockwave the flying pigs you can’t kill with one shot can be killed (at least for me at r143) with one shot if you leave your finger on screen and shoot next to them and kill them with the splash.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum "Wrong Node Cleared" Bug – it's baaaaaaack!

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