why chuck arena?

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum why chuck arena?

  • isn’t it supposed to be bomb arena because the frog pig’s event hat is for bomb and not for chuck

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  • Saren

    The rotation have since beginning been
    Blue > Yellow > Red > Black > Pink > White > Blue > Yellow(Confirmed) > ???(likely Red)

    The Monster event rewards gave rank rewards
    Black(Kaiju) before no event
    White(Turtle) before Red event
    Yellow(Mech) before Black event
    Pink(Squid) before Pink event
    White(Wallrus) before White event
    Blue(Shark) before Blue event


    It goes in order. The past five arenas have been every bird except for Chuck, so he is up next.

    I hadn’t noticed that pig event rewards denote who comes next, but if they do, the Knight Spear was the last points prize for Chuck… So it makes sense.



    you could tell which arena event will be next by looking at the ranking prize hat/weapon, I expected bomb to be featured in the next arena event because the frog hat was for bomb

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum why chuck arena?

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