which class?

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum which class?

  • i just beat cave one (using a foolproof strategy) and i want to know which class i should buy with LCs, i have:
    i have access to sea dog, skulkers and soon thunderbird
    which one should i buy?

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  • redbird

    You should get the skulkers. They make the target pig take more damage and they’re the cheapest of the three.


    the sea dog has the highest DPS (idk what that means) in the game and gang up on himself makes him attack twice in one turn, the skulkers only really makes enemies take more damage and that’s it and thunderbird makes shock shield on every bird. so i think skulkers should be gotten last


    DPS stands for damage per second which isn’t the proper term to use in this game since the game is turn based. I don’t have those 3 characters either, but it sounds like Skulkers class would be the most useful in general and it only costs 150 vs 275.

    Thunderbird is great for fighting ninja, but Skulkers can be great for fighting ninja too.

    Sea Dog is great for fighting anything with a lot of health which is mainly boss type enemies. I haven’t done the math, but samurai, marksmen and any version of chuck might have a higher damage output than the sea dog. If it isn’t higher, it has to be close because the marksmen don’t need to waste a round casting anything while the sea dog has to cast Gang Up every other round. Using the 3 birds I just mentioned and good sets you can 3 star cave bosses without using any consumables.

    Skulkers is awesome in fighting groups. With skulkers you can use his Tricksy Trick on your Druid to make all enemies take a lot of damage from the Druid’s Thorny Vine. The next round you can use Skulkers Tricksy Trick on himself to make all enemies take an additional 30% damage for 2 rounds so that is kind of like using the Pirate’s Arrr! but you get a bonus of doing a little damage to one of the enemies to compensate for one less round of bonus damage.


    @killerkea everyone says sea dog has the best DPS when it should be DPT (damage per turn) but i said DPS cause everyone says DPS so they would understand :P also i want sea dog because bosses are annoying as HECK

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