Un-Stunnable Machine Gun Pigs

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Un-Stunnable Machine Gun Pigs

  • Hi there everybody. While playing today, I noticed that when playing with certain transformers, some of the Machine Gun Pigs wouldn’t stun with the EMP. I would press the button, and even with three EMP segments (a full EMP), the Machine Gun Pigs would make the stunned noise, their eyes would roll, and electric shocks would jump around his body (all as usual when I stun a pig), but they would just keep on firing while stunned. This sucked because I stunned at least seven of them, and they just kept on shooting. Does anyone know if this is a glitch, or if it is certain transformers, and if it is certain transformers, does anyone know which transformers this happens to?

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  • Replies
  • Angrycrab

    I have (unfortunately) discovered the same thing happens with the horrible, terrible shotgun pigs.


    @angrycrab This is a glitch and I have it too. But I have discovered that their bullets don’t actually damage you when they are stunned. Just a graphic glitch I guess


    @partshade -thanks for letting me know. At least now I know that my transformers won’t die on me when I have 7 stunned Machine Gun Pigs!


    I’ve also experiencend this happening.


    By the way, I don’t know if this is another graphics glitch, but Shotgun Pigs appear to do the same thing.


    I’m going to send a support request to Rovio and ask if they will fix the problem for the next update.


    @angrybirdsfan56 let us know what they say. Good looking out!!


    Salla from Rovio was assigned to this. Here’s what she said: “‘Hello there,

    We are aware of this problem and currently investigating it with urgency. This issue will be fixed in a future update but in the meantime, we recommend playing those hard levels the next day with a better teammate (e.g. grimlock). We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience and will try to fix this as soon as possible. Hopefully you’ll still be able to enjoy the game!’

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team”

    She said the problem will be fixed in the next update. Also, this email was sent on April 20.


    @angrycrab What do the shotgun pigs look like? Include a picture of the shotgun pigs with your reply.


    @angrycrab I don’t know what the shotgun pigs look like.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Un-Stunnable Machine Gun Pigs

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