Too easy…

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Too easy…

  • Well today I entered the arena and found out these leaderboards. These are the images :

    I find this pretty ridiculous. It took me 1 fight to go directly from 15th place to 3rd place, another to complete a daily objective and go to 2nd place, and finally 2 other fights to achieve 1st place with a second daily objective. I don’t know if these types of leaderboards, where 2/3 of players don’t play and another 1/4 are newbies, are really common. I had the habit to be often matched w/ players who have more than 10,000 points, but this is surprising. Is it a bug to be matched with 10 non-players ? Have you already encountered this type of situation ? I just wait your answers…

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  • Neomerlinmagic

    Not my board. Need over 20k just to keep from dropping to a lower league.


    It could be because you’re in the wood league. Those of us who don’t play arena mode are all in the wood league, so you get to kick our butts. Enjoy it while it lasts :)

    It’s also because you’re lower than level 41. Many lower level players just check out the arena and find that it can be tedious. Many objectives cannot be achieved due to unavailable classes, and most players end up playing only a few matches to try it out, without putting too much time into it. When you get to the higher leagues it will get more difficult for sure.

    You’re much better off playing through the arena before reaching lvl 41. At 41, most, if not all opponents are rank 10 (or well underway to 10) and have tons of epic set items.

    So make sure to get your arena sets and gear completed at diamond level (strongest items) before reaching lvl 41! :)


    @zackvoyager — I’m just wondering how your league ended. If you started Saturday, you may have gotten a league filled with people who entered very late.

    Zack Voyager

    So here are the screenshots…


    @zackvoyager — Those links don’t work for me.

    Zack Voyager

    @mvnla2 Sorry. It doesn’t even work for me, just have 2 blue boxed “?”. Could you explain me how to put the screenshots directly on the thread ?


    @Zackvoyager — You need to upload the screenshots to your album (in your profile), and then copy the link to the forum. There are links below you pic in the album that you can copy.


    Must be nice. My group is filled with at least 4 people that like to accumulate 10K points a day by grinding it out.


    I have one this week who mysteriously gains approx. 20k each day, but all the points hit at once, about an hour before the objectives reset. Not sure if it is a hacker trying to stay under the radar, a ghost player, or something else. Player name Nemesis, has a wood league frame.


    I think I ran up against that player 2 weeks ago. I had been bopping between the top 3 when a player shot up and knocked me back to 4th. The scores never seemed high enough to raise a red flag, other than suddenly showing up in the top, but I chalked it up to waiting until just before the goal reset to finish the daily objectives for day 1 and just rolling straight into day 2. Then I got stuck with Seadog twice in one week and stopped playing attention.

    Zack Voyager

    Screenshot Arena 1.jpg
    Screenshot Arena 2.jpg
    Here are the screenshots.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Too easy…

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