Token Exchange

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Token Exchange

  • I have 23, 546 token.  I am having a hard time determining which bots to upgrade. Does anyone ever buy tokens?

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  • deindiaan

    I do buy some extra tokens sometimes when I’m a few short.


    As far as I know, you can’t buy tokens directly.
    Only if you make an exchange for something (e.g. upgrade of a bot) and you don’t have enough tokens, you will be offered to spend gems for the missing tokens (2 tokens = 1 gem).  But in case you don’t have enough gems to do this, you can buy the gems.
    So this is a bit of a workaround for buying tokens.

    Btw, I’d advise you not to  buy anything in this game, but have some patience. (But of course this is only my opinion. Yours may be totally different.)



    I agree, I don’t buy anything (with real money), in these kinds of games. I support the creators by watching the advertisements that run in-game.

    Plus, I’ve seen some mention that if you spend real money, then the different ‘deals’ that you get offered to buy new bots (with gems), are much higher in cost than it is for those that have never spent real money.

    Whenever a new bot comes out, I get an offer to buy it for 750 gems. Along with the bot, they offer accessories and spark. If I have the gems, I’ll take the offer.

    I’ve seen others say that the offer is for A LOT more gems than what I have to ‘spend’.


    @vabeachguy You’re right that if you spend real money in this game the cost of a new bot will be higher. See also this topic .
    Btw, I only know this from these kind of stories. As you might have guessed,, I’ve never bought anything in this game with real money.


    Well, I just got screwed out of all of my tokens, well not all of them. When the Token Exchange came up, I now only have 94 tokens. Even though I JUST won the day and got 1,000 tokens. Not to mention all of the tokens that I’d won throughout the week.

    I know, it’s just a game, but it’s annoying to work all week to earn tokens, then lose them because of a glitch.


    The same thing happened to me! I had almost 10,000 tokens and when the last game finished I only have 143.  What is going on?!?!


    This is maddening!!!!



    it appears that the token exchange reverted to a previous token exchange.    I had over 12k and now I only have 31,  plus everything in the token exchange has changed


    Same thing happened to me.  Lost my entire balance of tokens from the week. I had 7,000 tokens just prior to the end of the competition.  Now have 20. The exchange has als changed.  Ir reverted back to upgrades from last week.


    I thought it was just me.  Very frustrating and disappointing.



    The bad thing is that while they’ll give us a couple thousand as ‘compensation’, we likely won’t get all of what we had.


    @VaBeachGuy – I hear you there…..I’m still going to be a little snarky for at least another hour or so….lol


    My token exchange is corrupt too 😥


    All of my tokens are gone as well. Glad it’s not just me.


    Looks like the we are all in the same boat!


    True, has anyone logged a support ticket?

    I might do that now.


    I did….the more people that do may prompt for some action.


    very true, I have now raised a ticket also.


    Add me to the list of those with a broken token exchange. Finished today in 1st place and got to the exchange to find 4 tokens and last week’s items?

    Luckily I spent a lot of tokens early this week – got something like 24,000 total because of a freak visit to Shockwave’s Spire.


    The annoying thing for me now is knowing whether to keep playing or wait for a fix.

    I just did my ShockWave Spire and got some tokens, should I spend them on last week’s exchange store items, or wait to see if any more are returned/awarded?


    Or everyone just spam calls to @Lewie4


    I was just ripped off 9,300 tokens and had planned on upgrading Tyrpticon


    @jestacat If they do fix this, any tokens that are gotten during this wrong exchange will not be carried over to the fixed one. So spend any you can.


    All mine are lost too!


    Mine are gone too.  Was going to purchase the 10 gold crates, 1 gold crate and all the sparks.  This sucks big time.

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