Unofficial ToF Topic

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Unofficial ToF Topic

  • Mainly, this is just to see how lucky we are at ToF. Just reply below how good you were on these days, and it will show up on the main post!

    First, let’s start with the average score! This is the total score divided by the number of plays.

    Average Score: 5.8387096

    Thread Update Log:

    1.0: Thread Started on 29 Dec.

    1.0.1: 29 Dec Updated.

    1.0.2: 30 Dec Updated.

    1.0.3: 2 Jan Updated.

    1.1: Doubled Plays, plus Update Log.

    1.2: New average score!

    1.2.1: 17 Jan Updated.

    Now it’s time for the plays!

    Thursday, 21 December 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 2
    Mechanic Pig: 4

    Friday, 22 December 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 22 (Well, that’s ironic)
    Mechanic Pig: 8
    Cognitive: 2

    Saturday, 23 December 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 7
    Cognitive: 6

    Christmas Eve 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 2
    Cognitive: 2

    Christmas 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 4
    Cognitive: 11

    Boxing Day 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 9
    Cognitive: 3

    Wednesday, 27 December 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 2
    Cognitive: 16

    Thursday, 28 December 2017:

    Jwgardenwiz: 3
    Cognitive: 6

    Friday, 29 December 2017:

    Mechanic Pig: 8
    Eagle Eye: 2
    Cognitive: 3
    Jwgardenwiz: 2

    Saturday, 30 December 2017:

    Mechanic Pig: First at 14, second at 23
    Piggsy: 2
    Jwgardenwiz: 3

    Sunday, 31 December 2017:

    Mechanic Pig: 1st 3 Pigs at 23, 2nd 3 Pigs at 10

    Monday, 1 January 2018:

    Mechanic Pig: 3

    Tuesday, 2 January 2018:

    Mechanic Pig: 2

    Tuesday, 16 January 2018 (The thread is back!)

    Smash Maverick: 12

    Wednesday, 17 January 2018

    Smash Maverick: 14
    Mechanic Pig: 8

    Thursday, 18 January 2018:

    Mechanic Pig: 4
    Smash Maverick: 3

    Friday, 19 January 2018:

    Smash Maverick: 2

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