"Updating Progress" Problem (Looks like a New Bug, Rovio!)

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum "Updating Progress" Problem (Looks like a New Bug, Rovio!)

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  • Rumblebee

    Hello dudes and dudettes!

    I got the developers’ attention regarding this matter, so this issue will be fixed in the future updates! Sorry that I can’t give you any more detailed information about it, but I just wanted to let you know that we are extremely aware of the issue and we are determined to fix it sooner rather than later!

    Thank you for your feedback, we couldn’t have done it without you!


    I hope it gets fixed soon, because I just lost progress again. I haven’t even been playing, at this point I’m just running missions and clearing coins. I lost about 40k in coins, 2 Super Rariums, some popped pigs, and various supplies. It’s like it reverts to a previous saved version of the game, because my missions are running again. Also, I’m not positive, but I think Arachnid went from a L8 to a L7. I could have sworn I was at rank 267, and now I’m at 266. It’s very frustrating.


    Thanks, Rumblebee. At this point, it seems, (from my experience,) that the problem starts when I try to claim a Mission. I now have two unclaimed Missions and game is working fine.


    I just lost 200k in coins. My reset was back to yesterday morning. I hope this is fixed soon.


    @rumblebee (This is off-topic) I sent you a friend request because I want to send you a PM. If you would be so kind as to accept or provide some other means of getting a message to you i would appreciate it. You can unfriend me afterwards if you need to. Thanks.


    Looks like it affects Appley devices that don’t use Facebook Snyc. I use android and (knock on wood) haven’t noticed any of this. I also sync through Facebook. Thoughts?


    @rumblebee I send you a friend request because I want to PM you. If you could accept or in any other way make it so I can send you a message I would appreciate it. You can unfriend me after if you need to.


    Having this same problem on my iPad mini. I do use Facebook with mine. It seems to somehow be linked to the video doublers. Everything will be going fine and then I’ll try to double my coins or boost a buddy with a video and it says I can’t watch another one right now. Then if I go out of the game and come back, I get the updating progress message and everything gets undone :( Getting really tired of this happening. Very discouraging.



    This is killing me.

    I had this happen to me twice this morning inside of half an hour, the second “update” occurred within 5 minutes of the first!

    And to add insult to injury, not only did it cost me a pile of coins, gems, and a Super Rareium, but after this, I completely lost access to all video bonuses (the coins doubler, the buddy boost, and the additional mission keys).

    Also, I’m convinced that this has something to do with the missions, because the only time this ever happens to me is shortly after claiming the mission rewards.


    Day 10, of the new update not loading past 95 percent and then crashing like not opened the game yet. Version 1.5.15 just does not work on my iPad mini, maybe that’s the you wanted it. Who knows, I do not under stand why this has not been fixed yet!



    It’s already been fixed on Android, so they definitely know what’s causing the crash-on-startup problem.

    They mentioned before that it’s been fixed on iOS as well, but they can’t release the update to the app store until Apple approves the new version.


    I can say, from experience, that just because you’ve submitted an app (put together by experienced, detail-oriented developers) to the App Store, and it’s, supposedly, gone through Apple QA, apps are still released in a buggy state. I would have suspected that when it comes from a powerhouse like Rovio that the QA would be more reliable…maybe not? A Rovio poster here said that Apple put the wrong description on the recent iOS update (i.e. that it was a minor update), well, I’m not so sure about that. That info is all provided by the developer and is not something that Apple would change. YMMV.


    Ok but it still dose not open or work and Iam still unhappy.



    Rovio’s had quite a bit of financial difficulties of late. Towards the end of 2014 they announced layoffs of roughly 120 staff (out of approx. 800). Depending on how the company is structured internally, if QA is classified as a separate cost center rather than as part of a revenue center then things could get even worse for game releases going forward.

    [There was also a lot of buzz about a planned IPO, but that hasn’t happened either.]

    The other problem I’m finding now, and which is endemic to many app developers is that free-to-download-and-play encourages them to launch products before they’re ready and then just release updates, both for bug fixes and to add new features, as they go along. Whereas under the old pay-for-play model it was in a developer’s best interest to release a standalone product that was complete and good to go and (mostly – no product is ever perfect on launch) bug free right from the start.


    @optimuspig “The other problem I’m finding now, and which is endemic to many app developers is that free-to-download-and-play encourages them to launch products before they’re ready and then just release updates, both for bug fixes and to add new features, as they go along.”

    All good points to keep in mind. I don’t play many game apps, so in ABT, the faults of the free-to-download model are particularly glaring.


    This is starting to drive me insane!! This has happened 5 times in as many hours, I’m convinced it has something to do with the missions. Dare I say its almost as annoying as the wrong node cleared bug? It means not only am I losing out on coins/gems/rewards but I’m having to replay the same levels over and over!


    New to the party. One device, iPhone 5S, seems to happen after collecting rewards from multiple missions at one time. It had happened to me before but I actually came out ahead after redoing everything. Three resets this morning but still a bit behind where I was. Rebooted and closed game. I’ll check it again at lunch and see how it is behaving.


    I wouldn’t hold your breathe for a fix anytime soon. Ravio still hasn’t addressed the issues with Lollipop freezing and crashing the game mid level. Amd thats been a know issue for over 3 months now!! If they were to actually fix all the bugs they have the patch would be as big as the current game file! I really wish they would stop rushing stuff to market just to get it out there.


    Well, in that case, As in they may not be in a big hurry to fix the game that no longer will open at all on my iPad mini. And I guess is the same for many others that use to enjoy the game but now cannot. How many people pay their good hard earned money for the $9.99 Jenga option that only works if the game game works….
    The point being I would like my money back!,,, anyone one else fill as I do? Say something about.


    It has happened 4 times within the last 2 hours…this is beyond ridiculous.

    Please give this update 1 star on the AppStore…to warn other players not on this forum and give Rovio every incentive to fix this as soon as possible (as well as the other bugs in this game).

    Am I the only one who is not surprised that Rovio is in deep financial trouble?


    Definitely mission related. Happened again within 5 minutes of claiming the rewards.


    I think a poor wifi connection is a contributor to the bug. Never had the problem at work, only at home, which needs rebooting on a regular basis. I’ve started rebooting the router every morning when I get up and haven’t had the problem come back (so far, fingers crossed). I’m also closing the app and rebooting my phone (iPhone 5S) daily as a precaution.


    I think it would also help if we knew:

    1. when / how often the game is supposed to back itself up

    2. when / how often the game is supposed to restore itself.

    What’s silly is that the app can’t figure out if the game progress that it’s restoring is either older or more up-to-date than what’s currently on the device. Which you would think would be relatively simple given that the app already tracks the number of events and missions completed, and whether you’re trying to cheat by manipulating your system time.

    So either Rovio never thought of it, or else they did but the function’s not working properly.


    Does anyone know if there’s a way to disable these cloud updates entirely? I’m willing to risk total data loss in exchange for the game being playable.

    I’m on iOS and I don’t use facebook (my backups are through Game Center).



    Would it be worth trying to log out of FB & then reconnect again to see if that helps or do you not have a FB account at all? (If not, maybe just make up a “gaming FB profile” just for the sake of getting some stable game play?)

    Sorry to repeat if you’ve already tried this & it didn’t help.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum "Updating Progress" Problem (Looks like a New Bug, Rovio!)

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