Shocked – New Event!

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  • Optimus_Pig

    I recharged too early today.  With the assistance Unicron, I’m going to blow past 200K, would likely have hit 200K without the recharges or fewer of them.

    But then there’s always the possibility that Unicron won’t show up at all if you don’t recharge – there’s definitely a correlation, but it’s not a particularly strong one (not for me, anyway).

    Funny enough, BP hasn’t turned up at all.  Unlike Day 1 when I saw BP a lot more than I saw Unicron.


    The longer we play, the more likely that everyone will have purple crown bots in each squad. This will mean tougher competition. Since this event is a fairly new squad, I am enjoying having one of the few purple EWBs out there. I realize this won’t last, but I prefer to win by a blow-out so I don’t have to worry about it



    Same.  So far so good, but we’ll see what happens by Day 6.

    Day 1 was a bit crazy, though.  I’m sure that #1 had a purple crown (or highly purple) EWB backing up his main TF, but the amount of recharging he did early on wasn’t reasonable.  He continued playing right up to the end, too.


    I think they will soon increase the promotion threshold.


    Quite likely, but I don’t think I’ll promote anything past +140%

    It’s already hard enough to get the 82K sparks for that.

    I think the scale would require 7,000 sparks to go from L140 to L145, which is ridiculous.


    I already get 4 bots at 140% and already have collected 130k+ sparks. If they increase options I will definitely will increase mine main bots. Lets see …


    @optimuspig I think it is possible with constant playthroughs. I have 340K sparks after everything and I am waiting for an increase.


    This is terrible.  I’m barely an hour into Day 3, and #1 is already over 200K.


    Even if they’re pumping recharges, there’s no way they could hit that without having both TFs at +140% or close.

    Their primary TF is a purple crowned EWB.  So they must have bought E. Shockwave and promoted him already.

    I hate people like that – if they’ve got the cash, then why are they ruining it for everyone else?


    @optimuspig I think we should blame Rovio/Exient on how they group players into the boards. They should not mix players with promoted Energed bots with players who don’t have promoted Energed bots. This should level the playing field and maybe leads to higher gem usage which is what R/E wants.


    @coolbug I’ll go for Ewindblade. I have a young account (just got thundercracker) but I will try to go for it.


    Sitting at 8600 tokens. I will hit 200k for 750 and them probably get the 1,000 for first place. I will get Energon Shockwave tonight. Then, on to accessories and maybe sparks


    @joel687 Any thoughts on Overpower?


    I ought to hit 200K again today, but it’s doubtful that I’ll be able to catch #1.

    Depends on whether the ABT gods are feeling generous and throw a few Unicron runs my way.


    I probably will skip overpower. We will see how long it takes me to get all the accessories


    Those of you who’ve already got Energon Shockwave, does he use Pig Iron or he use Deceptigears to upgrade?  Need to start saving.

    Drover’s Dog

    @optimuspig Once I hit 5000 tokens I used 2500 gems for the purchase, so gear up for the ride.


    At least for me, Day 4 scores are tracking at about 2/3 of what they were on Day 3.


    I’ve noticed a few times where I accidentally hit a TNT crate first that had a gold block sitting on top of it, but instead of the explosion destroying the gold block it was thrown up into the air and off the screen.

    Would the gold block take enough damage when it comes back down to count for point scoring?

    What if it lands off the screen?



    I’m pretty sure that golden blocks don’t suffer from falling damage. Every time they are damaged, they leave coins, but when they are thrown upwards, and then they hit the ground, no coins leaves the block. I’ve never seen a golden block destroyed that way.

    If they are damaged by the TNT and don’t get destroyed immediately, there is no damage over time due to the explosion, so it is more likely that they are not destroyed when hit the ground.


    Physics in ABT are crap.



    What’s the point of sparks if you would only ever be grouped with people of a similar level?


    @optimuspig Energon Soundwave needs Deceptigear for his upgrades.



    Great, thanks.

    Fortunately I’ve already got a nice stash of them.




    Yeah, I think you’re right.

    It just occurred to me that the gold blocks also survive falls from the top of those massive towers you sometimes see in the Beach and Forest nodes.

    I still have to destroy them even after they’ve hit the ground/water.

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Shocked – New Event!

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