Server network errors need to stop

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Server network errors need to stop

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  • Beth Patrylak

    I’m not sure if anyone else is getting good this error or glitch but for the last two days when fighting Matilda and chuck and I get sabotaged the part of the screen where it occurs stays blank for the rest of the match or a few seconds and I can’t make any matchstick and will wind up loosing it’s driving me batty

    Beth Patrylak

    I’m not sure if anyone else is getting this error or glitch but for the last two days when fighting Matilda and chuck and I get sabotaged the part of the screen where it occurs stays blank for the rest of the match or a few seconds and I can’t make any matches and will wind up loosing it’s driving me batty



    Happens to me (the glitch) but very rarely, and it always ends with the game crashing a few seconds after, never had it stick for a whole match.

    Sabotage enhancers can make them last a few seconds, nothing strange with that, but a whole match, that’s worrying (as is crashing in my case).

    Anyways…empty help list bug is at it again today. :-(

    And no answer from the Admins yet about new content suggestions as a sticky. Things don’t seem to be working out for me, but gotta stay positive. :-)

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Server network errors need to stop

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