Report & Mute Buttons

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Report & Mute Buttons

  • There are report and mute buttons for each player now in the arena and in the clans. What are they used for?

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  • TripH0P

    “Report” I assume is to report expected cheaters

    “Mute” has no purpose


    In the clans muting will mute from the in game chat.


    lol i’ve only mute button and not report one…for me it’s useless i want to hear from everyone.


    Report button is going to get abused…basically if you are beating a clan or blowing everyone away in the Arena, people are just going to report you non stop just because they are being beaten (most likely significantly beaten). I can see many people getting banned for no reason at all.


    Yes report issues should be limited for the users about swearing,abusing,spamming behaviors in live chat since we’re not the the experts we would never know how’s cheating or who’s not cheating…that report button will be abused by the users a lot…a person will say hey that guy got lots of points he should be cheating then he’ll report him and there are lots of people around with all hat sets completed of course they got them by using glitch so those people with all hats will get reported too.


    What kills me is that it would be trivial for Rovio to ferret out cheaters. If they record everything – not too difficult, we’re not talking terabytes – it should be easy to run a user progression report. If all of a sudden Birdie Bob goes from 1800 black pearls to 180000, that should be a red flag worthy of the Komsomol. Likewise, if someone hits streak 7 without having hit 1-6 (say, save & restore), etc.

    To be very blunt, other than playing 24/7/365, I do not see much possibility for a normal player to ever accumulate anything more than x4 type hats. The payouts at the ToF and mythic boxes aren’t anywhere near that. Now with clan battles there’s more BP’s going around, but 7 x 25000 is 175,000 bp’s. Not feasible even if you’re getting 1000 or 2000 BP’s a week.


Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Report & Mute Buttons

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