Poker cards are Very powerful

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Poker cards are Very powerful

  • It’s an SS item that increases the blues panel appearance rate. This is VERY powerful because I’m able to get over 4 sabotages and since the blues have the best 4 panel move (in my opinion), i’m able to get very powerful with these cards!

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  • firedragon

    If you can get SS gear with “extra points with cleared panel” would be much better which can make your defense up to 1000 which can make the character indestructible.
    The best combo should be:
    extra attack with cleared panel
    extra defense with cleared panel
    increase the panel appearance
    This combo is the best for Red because all panels will be cleared upon sabotage which can make a major boost on both attack and defense, but it doesn’t do much with Chuck and Matilda (only one row or column of panels are cleared on sabotage).


    both my Bomb and Matilda have extra attack and defence skills, I’m hoping I can eventually get increased panel rate for all my birds.


    I have that set up for Bomb and a similar but not identical set up for Stella (more “Angry” panels versus increased appearances). I got Bomb up to a 19 game winning streak before having a brain fart and losing to a Bomb that was honestly better (he had a gold trophy and everything!). I’ve gotten up to 1000+ attack and nearly 800 defense with Stella which you need because her health is pretty low.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Poker cards are Very powerful

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