Path of the Jedi Score Addict Badge

Home Forums General Discussions Forum Path of the Jedi Score Addict Badge

  • This thread has been recreated from an “old” thread. It may be worthwhile to check the previous thread for even more info! Click here to go there!

    The skills, you do possess. But possess the patience, do you?

    This is a communal thread to filter the awarding of the “Jedi Addict” badge.

    Strong with the Force, these flingers are. One of the intergalactic few who were able to get 3,250,000 points in Angry Birds Star Wars Path of the Jedi. You can check out the badge here.


    Jedi Addict – Total Score

    1. You must score above 3,250,000 on Path of the Jedi. It is NOT required that you be an iOS player.
    2. You must submit undeniable proof. A screenshot of your Episode Selection screen will typically suffice, but it must be a clear-enough image that no one could reasonably argue it being tampered with.
    3. You must be a registered user, since otherwise there is no way to assign the badge to your account. Also, if your forum name differs in some way from your username on the main site, let us know so we can hunt you down.

    To submit your screenshot, it is easiest to upload the image to your personal album here on ABN, or to a free image hosting site such as yfrog, tinypic, or photobucket. After uploading, copy/paste the image URL here.

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Home Forums General Discussions Forum Path of the Jedi Score Addict Badge

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