Panel Matching Bonus Effect

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Panel Matching Bonus Effect

  • By “matching certain birds’ panels”, does it mean, you have to match at least 3 panels, or does it mean as long as that bird’s panel is erased?

    Because when you trigger sabotage of other birds, some of the panels get erased without being 3-matched. If this is the case, does it count towards the “matching panel bonus”?


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  • chris-cox

    I believe when sabotage is triggered, you are getting the effective points for each panel erased. In other words, the ones that get erased from the actual sabotage (one at a time for the blues for example.) you get rewarded for those. Theresulting after effects whether is no tiles, multiple combos or a 3 match are rewarded accordingly. Every tile erased is scored accordingly.


    From my observation, they count. For example I can be seen in ships battles when you trigger 4-white or 4-blues that the panels removed are adding to the corresponding counters.


    You need to make so much combos of these for high power.

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Panel Matching Bonus Effect

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