New update version 1.4.2 of Epic is out

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum New update version 1.4.2 of Epic is out

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  • datguygamer

    Yeah, okay then. Thanks. I completely forgot about the coin toss percentage.


    One of my objectives for the last game was “Win 2 games after losing the coin toss”. I had this as one of my objectives a couple of days ago and it was easy as I lost the coin toss on my 3rd and 4th game and won both.

    However, this time I almost gave up hope. I had finished my other objectives quickly and carried on playing hoping to get the “lose the coin toss” for 1500 points. In the end I actually achieved getting more than the 1500 points before getting them in the end.

    Not sure why I bothered really as I didn’t need the points as I’m in first place with a sizable lead.


    True many 900 power opponents will have set items and possibly complete sets. I am at 450-500 power and still have one complete set for each bird except Bomb, and for the Blues I have 3 complete sets. These complete sets along with some other loose set items.

    Ryogo Kusama

    It’s the third time already I get the “Watch this video and get 3 stamina drinks” popup when I use all my stamina charges and I can’t complete it because I get the “There is no ad scheduled this time” message… quite annoying.
    Anyone else having the same issue?


    I don’t even get the “Watch this video” pop-up. My game just keeps nagging me to buy stamina drinks which are apparently on sale right now.

    Angry Johnny

    @ryogokusama I had that popup twice during this event, the first time I got the same error as you but the second time I got to watch an ad and got my 3 stamina drinks.


    @ryogokusama I have had 3 offers one said nothing scheduled.


    @ryogokusama I’m experiencing the same thing: ‘There is no Ad scheduled at this time.” Bloody annoying! And sometimes this message appears AFTER I have watched the bloody Ad! So, I suffer, but get no reward! Lol.


    @ryogokusama I also got the same thing.

    Eric Giese

    This update is a joke. All it’s done is add bugs.

    The objectives are badly worded, and don’t work. I currently have the objective to knock out 3 birds in 1 turn 3 times. I got it to 2/3. Now it won’t go to 3/3. I have knocked out 3 birds in a turn at least 10 times at this point.

    None of the previous bugs that I know of have been fixed.

    How does a company as big as Rovio do such a poor job of bug testing?


    Knock out 3 birds with the same attack, it’s the older objective


    You have said what I figured out after getting the “new” objective the first time. Just treat it as as the old objective of knocking out 3 birds with 1 attack and you will receive credit. I have achieved this objective twice this week. I do not know why the confusion on this objective lasted so long.



    Cause of description…


    @dallasreds I think the confusion I had regarding this objective is that if it is supposed to be “KO 3 birds in 1 attack”… why isn’t it worded the exact same way as the 3000 objective with the same goal?

    Maybe it’s also a language difference, maybe the way it’s written in other languages is even less clear than it is for the English translation.

    Still think it’s bugged though.



    You are correct. It had a high chance of being confusing in every language. I was lucky enough to choose my go to team for the old objective and it worked.

    Angry Johnny

    @jadedbacon @dallasreds @datguygamer @grimmjow @jim151 I got a response about the new daily objective about attacking 3 birds in 1 turn and its description:


    Thanks for contacting us and sorry to hear you’ve had some trouble with Angry Birds Epic. Our sincere apologies for the slow reply. We have been very busy recently and unable to reply to all emails as quickly as we would like.

    We agree! There has been some confusion around this daily objective so it has been disabled for now.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you continue to enjoy Angry Birds Epic.

    Best regards,

    Rovio Support Team

    So it seems like it at least will not show up for now :-)


    Good news! Although now that we all found out the truth it didn’t really bugger me. :P

    Ellie seems competent, she’s the same one that answered my request about the potions as well… I’m satisfied with her, wish the entire support was like her :)


    Disabled?? WTF? Why?? I agree it was poorly worded but that doesn’t mean it had to be disabled!

    Also, has anyone obtained the new False set yet?

    Angry Johnny

    Well I think it was disabled because:

    1) the description did not live up to how the objective worked
    2) the objective worked wrong
    3) it worked the same as another already existing objective just that it was harder and gave less points.



    I post the same question about new set, but any answer yet.


    @grimmjow Sadly no False set. I got repeated amounts of older set items but currently nothing. We’ll see during 5X RR. Seems like an okay set.


    Removing the objective was the correct thing to do, because it was causing more trouble than it was worth.

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum New update version 1.4.2 of Epic is out

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