New Event: Omega Supreme – Shoot The Colored Blocks If You Want…

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event: Omega Supreme – Shoot The Colored Blocks If You Want…

  • A new event has started! The top prize is Omega Supreme.

    This event uses one TF and (obviously) no energonicon.

    Special feature(s) – EMP TNT blocks

    (Part of) The event banner for Omega Supreme

    The bonus squad is Gestalt (23), consisting of Omega Supreme (21 / SR Killer) and Volcanicus (98).

    All these TFs and also Devastator (29 / SR Killer) and Optimus Maximus (66) (from Combiners squad) are in the token exchange with accessories.

    Have fun and good luck!

    PS. The numbers (in parenthesis) after TF and squad names are their (respective) rankings in Spark Run.

    Previous event in which Gestalt was the bonus squad.

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  • Replies
  • GrimLockdown

    This is still relevant:

    PSA: Do NOT use Omega Supreme’s Sunglasses accessory or Volcanicus’s Monocle accessory. They both are buggy and make the TF to seriously underperform.


    terrible bundles as well. bro they gave me the same bundles as in characters section except kup but it s easy to get it from the crates and not worth 2k gems. i can overpower devastator but i only use superion. ig i have to rely on crates again.


    @galaxes your goal should be to have 1-2 TFs for each squad. Omega Supreme is the obvious choice for Gestalt squad, so work on unlocking him.

    With that said, you can unlock all the combiners in store for just 750 gems each, which is relatively reasonable. I recall I started with Omega Supreme and Devastator (to unlock Jungle area), then Superion as soon as I could after that. I still haven’t bothered to do unlock Menasor or Optimus Maximus.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>@noahlot i alr got omega supreme unlocked. I spent around 20k sparks to promote him. Somehow im doing better than the people who got green promotion LOL. Also no, every bundle costs 2000 gems now. They changed the prices after the update in 2020. Unlocked both menasor and omega supreme from challange run.</p>


    Ping didnt work again. Also my current goal is to overpower superion.



    @galaxes the last store tab called Characters has Combiners and Gestalt TFs for 750 gems if you haven’t unlocked any.


    <p style=”text-align: center;”>@noahlot probably cuz ur an old player. They all cost 2000 gems for me</p>


    What is wrong with the forums bro. @noahlot


    Day 1- Balloon Piggies
    Day 2- All Piggies
    Day 3- Gold blocks
    Day 4- Wood blocks
    Day 5- TNT boxes
    Day 6- Flying Piggies


    W event for me!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum New Event: Omega Supreme – Shoot The Colored Blocks If You Want…

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