(New) Challenge Run shortcut

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum (New) Challenge Run shortcut

  • This topic has only been made as some kind of referral page to make it easier for everyone in the future to find the topic of the (new) challenge run.
    It is extensively discussed in the topic new updates 1.45.2

    Note added later: The name of that original topic has been renamed to Challenge Run. So for further discussions please use that topic (as was intended from the start).

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  • cuxdavide

    this week always finished at first place, curios to see what is the special prize


    @moifirst Great topic. I was thinking to contact to someone who can change topic name New Updates 1.45.2 to Challenge run, so can be easy for everyone to know what to find there :)


    after a week at first place… no special prize :( just usual 10 legendary crates, found a bot but is a normal bot, this week i will point to 10 epic crates, more usefull for me



    Just? Just USUAL? :D

    Before challenge run we can get them only from gold chests, with low probability. And hard to get gold chests. So, it’s very good news, we have USUAL legendary crates, they not nerfed, chanses to get overpowered not lowered.

    I got 3 overpowers from 10 legendary and this is very nice. From other side I got overpower for unuseful bots, and I have 60+ another unuseful bots, so its will be long Challeng run to overpower needed bot. And actually overpower atm dont give big advantages. So maybe you are right. Next time when I suddenly felt asleep sunday night, 3 hours before challenge over, my dreams will be sweet, because even if I miss 1st place, I get epic crates. Not nightmare like yestarday. And phone was on my face :)


    @davide What did you get? Do you have a screen shoot?


    @papakarlo lewie say there should be something special if somebody finish first all the day of the week, instead i received the standard prize of first place in sunday

    no i’m sorry, anyway a lot of bot upgrade, some weapon upgrade, no sparks, no gems, a bot that i don’t have (only 3 left now)… this week i will point to epic crates


    i think there should be more interest in the challenge if every day we can gain a sort of tokens and spend on sunday in this way: 1 legendary crate 100 tokens, 1 epic 70, 1 rare 50, an so on, so everybody can choose the crate that interest more


    @davide Bot upgrade? You mean overpower or just upper level that are less then level 15?


    upper level, cause i haven’t nothing at level 15 or above


    i waste some legendary crates for raise some bots from level 1 to 2 :D


    I see. My all bots ( except last one ) are level 15 and up and that’s why if I get upgrade is actually overpower. Unfortunately till now couldn’t get up then silver league and didn’t get any overpower from Challenge run winnings!


    What unique rewards do they give out that Lewie4 mentioned?

    Docker Rocker

    You all do realise this is a shortcut to the forum , not the form.

    And @asen you can change the name of the topic by editing.


    @darthvader2091 Thanks. Didn’t know that this is possible by me. The name of the Topic is changed!

    I still didn’t see any of this secret rewards.


    @asen The change of name as suggested by @darthvader2091 looks good.
    Now let’s hope that everyone picks it up and return to the original topic.

    Please don’t use this topic any longer for further discussions.
    Btw, if you want you can still use the link (which is still functional) to the original topic.


    @asen So lewie4 lied to us?


    @datguygamer There is still problems with ranking so probably this is part of the problem with rewards. Lets wait to fix the leaderboard and then we will see how the things will go. I am pretty sure that @lewie4 doesn’t lied to us!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum (New) Challenge Run shortcut

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