Mirage! – New Event!

Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Mirage! – New Event!

  • Another new event is here… “Speedsters” is the leading squad. ONE bot and Eneize/con.
    Top prize is the new bot “Mirage”.

    Good luck people and have fun.

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  • Optimus_Pig

    Kinda wished they’d telegraphed this one in advance like they usually do.

    I haven’t had time to stockpile materials for upgrading.



    He’s pretty cool, he goes invisible after not shooting for a while, and enemies don’t see him. At least he’s somewhat different.


    How’s his weapon?

    The Dark Knight

    @optimuspig simlar to soudwave but way more stronger it’s capable taking down wmts


    @elpapam Stronger then Blaster? Did he or she get them down with less shots? Does blood levels are weaker?


    Does he/she get hit when is invisible from some shots against him?


    Is this character is from new modern Scandinavian? Is this character he or she or just it?

    The Dark Knight

    @asen It’s near the same as Blaster. Also if you don’t shoot it becomes shiny silver? And nobody can shoots you the same as that en/con that “hides” you from the enemy.


    Seems closer to blaster than to the soundwave types, although it will be a while before I get Mirage leveled up to the point of being able to really compare.


    I’d love to give Mirage a spin in this event, but not really practical to do so at low level or while he’s being upgraded.


    Mirage’s overpower at max is the highest in the game. At max Mirage is able to one hit practically anything. In my opinion Mirage is prob the second best/strongest bot in the game (second to energon starscream)


    Mirage also seems to have an EMP effect on WMTs, despite not having any EMP accessory.


    Yeap, this EMP-power (, which is also very effective against swarms of flying pigs) together with his Stealth-mode, makes Mirage the best bot I’ve seen up till now. This is in contrast to the (in my opinion) heavily overrated Blaster, which is good, but not great. (Personal opinion!)
    The Stealth-mode (comparable with the GhostBot energonicon), which appears  after a short time of inactivity of Mirage, gives this bot something extra.
    I find it quite amusing, when this Stealth mode is active, to watch the monoliths hesitating if they should fall down or not. The same for the pigs looking if they can find a bot to shoot.
    (Btw. in the Stealth mode Mirage will still be hit by missiles or falling monoliths, when they are already falling before the Stealth-mode is activated.)

    The only minus point I can think of is that during his two encounters with Unicron, he didn’t succeed  in eliminating him (, both times only 4/5 segments completed).


    Does anyone know what his overpower % is for going from level 15 to level 16?



    In about one week I can tell you… Going to level 5 ;)


    I’ve had Mirage ‘malfunction’ on me a couple of times. One time, he was transformed into the race car, and I couldn’t get him out of it. Funny thing though, when I’d try to shoot at things, he’d shoot from the race car mode.

    Then another time, he wouldn’t go into invisible mode after a period of not shooting, like he’s supposed to.


    Yeah, I hope this gets patched.




    Mirage gets 678%! overpower from level 15 to 16.



Home Forums Angry Birds Transformers Forum Mirage! – New Event!

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