Looking for a clan with requirements

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Looking for a clan with requirements

  • Me:

    Star Level 26;

    Flock Power 248;

    Willing to spend time and gems for clan events (and I’m employed, so I always have gems)


    Searching for:

    Clan of at least 30-40;

    Requirement that everyone get at least 3 pts;

    Willing to take someone with my Flock Power.



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  • Replies
  • Gary

    Erik litts,

    Hi- I am confident that you will love our clan. We are 100% active, everyone participates in every battle and team event. We have a very busy clan chat and the whole team enjoys having fun and winning rewards.

    Please, do yourself a favor and send me a request to join as we are a closed Clan to prevent clan jumpers. We have minimums of 3/6/6 in events. All our guidelines are listed on our clan info page.

    We look forward to seeing you soon,

    Gary, Down To Flock! #183032


    Clan “Bulgaria”.

    38 player – all active.

    Requirement 200 points flock power.

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Looking for a clan with requirements

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