Jungle Area

  • Has anyone unlocked the Jungle area for the 2500 gems?

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  • VaBeachGuy

    Unfortunately, yes.


    Yes, and I’ve regretted it ever since.


    See also this old topic.


    Played this week up to the Silver League- apart from one accessory, the prize was just coins and pigs- what a waste of time.



    Yeah, I played it enough to get gold crates. I figured that playing that would be a good area to get a lot of pigs for this new (idiotic) system.

    Of the 10 crates, two had coins, the rest had pigs… no, I take that back, one had gems.


    Let’s see… I had my best run ever at 432499 points without spending any gems to resume.

    After +210% bonus, that’s 1,340,747 points. After continuously playing for 3 straight hours until the last minute and recharging multiple times. I hit about 7 million points, hoping that I can get a nice reward as I was in 3rd place in the final 3 minutes before it was over.

    I ended up in 11th place. So, basically I got the same crates as if I didn’t spend 3+ hours or any gems at all that day. Disappointment is an understatement. :(



    A few days ago, I set it going and laid my tablet on the table with a stylus propped on the screen so that it was constantly shooting (and I didn’t have to pay attention to it), I figured it would go for a few minutes and then I’d die.

    It was my most epic run ever, and I’ve never been able to duplicate it. When all was said and done, I  finished with something like 9 or 10 Million points and something like 5,000 pigs (after letting a video run, it doubled to around 10,000 pigs).

    I don’t know if it was just an anomaly or if it can be duplicated, but it happened. Not that the gold crates are really worth anything anymore.

    The entire run took 3 or 4 hours from start to finish.



    Seems all too random. Sometimes I died under 50K when I get multiple walking mortar towers/hidden/blocked pigs that can shoot me but I can’t shoot back. Sometimes, I barely pay any attention and hit 500K+ / 1000+ pigs.


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