Is it possible to get all hat sets?

Home Forums Angry Birds 2 Forum Is it possible to get all hat sets?

  • I just finished the last set of hats for 1000 black pearls per hat and the next sets are 25,000 bp each hat. Why does it jump from 1000 to 25,000 instead of say 5000 bp?

    I just recently picked my first two legendary hats (two masks) after four months of play. I just don’t see how it is possible without spending tons of money.

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    You could try to do it, but that’d take years and lots of time to watch ads. Rovio did this intentionally so they could turn more of a profit.


    Try the ToF, level 30 is a x10 hat. If you don’t get it, and the hat you get you already own you get a bunch of pearls.


    I thought exactly the same thing when I finished the x4 hats around March/April time.  Through Tower of Fortune and spending some pearls plus one from a legendary chest I have accrued 14 of the 35 x10 hats.  I only bought 2 with pearls, I’m not going to do so again until I have enough to buy the remainder of those hats as I have had a lot of occasions where I have received a x10 that I already had (you only get 500 pearls for it).

    Through a bit of luck you can get to level 30 of ToF reasonably regularly but I recommend that you continuously hold on to at least 1600 gems for those good runs (easily maintained if you don’t give in to the temptation of getting a legendary chest when you have over 900).  Secondly it helps if you play the arena to earn pearls at the end of each week. Thirdly, be part of a good clan that finishes all events and win CvC at least 50% of the time, this also boosts your pearls and legendary chests.  Fourthly, when you achieve a feat such as 1500 Rare Chests, don’t collect the feat until it’s pearl party time, that way you can earn more.

    Through the above methods I think that I am getting 2-3 x10 hats in the ToF and about 25,000 pearls every month, I currently have 103,000 pearls in the bank as it were.  The only thing I buy is the gem letter so I’m not spending a huge amount of money on the game.

    Unless they add another set (they did with the tribal masks) I reckon it will take at least 18 months more to complete all x10 hat sets.


    Addendum: Recently I thought that had the x10 hats cost 10,000 pearls instead of 25,000, I would be a couple of months away now from completing them.  So from my position it’s likely that Rovio got the amount right but I think the return of 500 pearls for landing a x10 that you already own is too low.

    Vogel Birdson

    Is IT possible to get a full 10x hat set without spending lots of money.

    In the last month or two I got my last 10x Wizard hat to complete the set. It does take time but you can get plenty of black pearls from playing regularly each day, clan events and getting lucky with rare and legendary chests. Keep plugging away and you’ll see your BP hoard grow and grow.



    I don’t spend anything and I accumulate 25000 bp’s about every 4 to 6 weeks. I’m about to complete a second legendary hat set after 15 months of daily play. So, yes it is possible to get all hat sets, but it takes awhile.



    I’ve played 1,5 years and also daily player. In that time bought all 1000 pearl hatsets and have speared 50000 pearls. From chests and events got 4 legendary hats so far. In that speed I’m lightyears away comlpleating yhese sets… :(


    @sb311, sure you can! You just need to either pass the limits of time of insane amount of luck to get the hats randomly. Bear in mind, those players telling you it’s achievable goal have no idea how the game has changed. If you start playing now, you have next to no chances for ever getting all hat sets, as Rovio is every now and then adding new sets.

    If money is not a problem for you, it’s a bit easier goal… meaning, you can get basically every set from Tower of EndlessCashMagnet. Oh, sorry… I meant to say Tower of Robbery… erm, Tower of Misfortune… dang, the name was hards to remember!

    If you’re going by the hard way and not spending huge amounts of money IRL, you’re pretty much depended of other players. Sole player has been dealt sh*t cards for this game…


    Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I was able to reach level 30 and get a mythical hat without having to spend too many gems yesterday but no such luck today.

    I’m also stockpiling black pearls and I’m going to wait for the next double bp event to collect on my feats rewards.

    Thanks again. :)


    Lately I’ve had even crappier luck with ToF than usually, so I don’t expect getting any kind of hats from there.

    FWIW, there’s also the possibility of buying high level hats from ME Shop…


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