Infinite lives!!!!

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Infinite lives!!!!

  • I just got myself in a wonderful bug! (and no It’s not because I installed a modified version of the game)

    I don’t loose energy when doing a fight, so I have infinite fight which means I can play non stop and get lots of stella ticket (hope the bug stays so I can get myself in top 1000) lol

    Edit: no invite ship energy, only feather.

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  • Skayra

    its for everyone? i dont have time to check. Anyone can check it?


    I’m pretty sure its not for everyone, they would have mentioned it, I failed lvl19 in pig labs, did 3-4 fight with stella and went to get one more ticket when I realized my feather were staying full, game crashed and unlimited feather stayed on. I’m making the most ticket gathering before this end!

    Mighty Red

    This is the 11.11 (November 11) event happening. During this day your bird energy is refilled every 11 seconds instead of 10 minutes.


    Hm…. Remembrance Day for fighting WWI.

    So the birds are kind of fighting a world war, too.


    So if its for everyone, i can tell it i didn’t like it.

    Now winners are only who have much time to spend on game. i am pretty sure some ppl gonna play 10+ hour in day. its mean like 60+ ticket.

    i give up from this arena to. That news just killed funs


    its over now

Home Forums Angry Birds Fight! Forum Infinite lives!!!!

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