
Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum Freeloaders?

  • I’ve seen several posts where folks are cleaning up their friends lists by getting rid of non-gifters. My question is, how can you keep track of who gifts and who doesn’t? (Beyond the obvious) I mean, there’s just too many people on my list to keep track of and ADD doesn’t help :P How can I tell if someone isn’t gifting back?

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  • FreckledPig147

    Make a spreadsheet. For at least 1 week, check the gifts. A checkmark for giving, X for not. If anyone is clearly not getting many checkmarks after you give them, then it’s time to remove them. I apologize if it takes more than 1 day to gift, because I don’t play Angry Birds Friends.

    Dixi 60

    My policy on gifting is simple – just gift every day!

    It’s free to gift, if you don’t get a gift back it may be because your friend ain’t worked out how the system works. It may be obvious to you but the next person might not be that game or computer savvy. It may mean your friend is sick, at work or just having computer problems – it happens to all of us!

    I gift alphabetically every night at a certain time and whilst online as gifts come in I return the gift. My regular grifters get more gifts from me and my slow or non-grifters still get their gift from me every day.

    I haven’t got time to make lists and check on friends. I’ll only un-friend someone if I spot something nasty, racist, homophobic or anti-social on their FaceBook account.


    That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. I was just curious how people could manage such a large list of people. I like spreadsheets but its just too many people :P

    Dixi 60

    Do it alphabetically…….

    1. Select “In box” at the bottom of your Friends menu
    2. Select “Send Free Gifts”
    3. Select “Search for more friends”
    4. start with “A” and work through the alphabet selecting placing a tick in the
    friends boxes.
    5. Press send in the right hand corner of the pop-up menu.
    6. This procedure takes minutes and my guess is your friends appreciate the results.


    What’s the best way to get friends, I only have 4, but I gift all the time. If your looking to add someone let me know, I’m looking for friends

Home Forums Angry Birds Friends Forum Freeloaders?

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