Forced Tap

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Forced Tap

  • Anyone else is forced to always tap when getting into the game?

    I am really angry now because it makes me waste a lot of time, want to do something different and I am always forced to go the nest screen just to get back to the main screen

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  • datguygamer

    Yes, this a new thing. Whether it’s intentional or not; I don’t know.


    Same here.


    I have same problem too. I don’t think that it’s intentional.


    Maybe it’s related to the blank button that does nothing, on the left above settings gear button.


    Blank button was “more games” in the old version. I still didnt try it yet.


    I have 3 accounts, on one of them, I don’t get the forced clicking on startup. I wish I knew why.

    Vogel Birdson

    I don’t like this forced button tap thing either.

    What I thought it was trying to do was make you purchase their ‘Special Offer’ of 25 stamina drinks for 25 LC instead of 45 LC, which I think is hugely imbalanced anyway.

    The timer counts down from 15 mins and resets – so it gives the impression that you better hurry up and get the deal “before it’s too late”, but the timer and ‘offer’ is constantly there. Naughty naughty.


    I am finding an odd benefit from this. We all know about the inherent instability in Epic, and this “bug” forcing me to enter the nest immediately upon start up has actually saved me from losses in Arena due to crashes. If the game loads buggy, I am getting the “unfortunately Epic has stopped” messages from entering the nest rather than in the middle of a battle. If I load the game and am able to exit the nest, I know I am good to go.

    Angry Johnny

    For those that still wonders; yes the forced tap is a bug. It is meant for when you get the Elite upgrade from the event to show you how to change the Knight class to it in the nest. After you go through the tutorial the forced tap will dissappear.


    I thought it was fixed. But that makes sense.


    I already have the Elite Knight and it still appears every time Epic has to reload itself.

    Angry Johnny

    @sjmike Did you go through the tutorial after you got the Elite Upgrade?


    Yes, I did. It showed me how to switch between the Elite helmet and the regular one.

    well i keep getting the forced tap, and now till i get to Red bird, every single time I get into the game, it is even worse now! not just only to the bird list but now one more step

Home Forums Angry Birds Epic Forum Forced Tap

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